Chapter 15

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I finished work to find a beautiful sunny fall day. It was only just past mid-day and seemed a shame to spend it indoors. Wrapping Elsie up and securing her in the pushchair we head out to the local park. Nancy already had plans so it was just the two of us. Well, I say two of us, Elsie fell asleep as soon as we got to the end of the street. Thanks for the company sweet girl.

We enter the park from the west, joining the path and following the trail. The children's play area is on the other side of the land. It's been recently built but Elsie was still a few years off being able to enjoy it yet. This side however, features a wide-open grassy field circled by a woodland trail.

It seems that I'm not the only one who wanted to enjoy the weather as many are spread out on the field. The scenery really is beautiful with the colourful leaves decorating the air. The sounds of people laughing and talking breaks through the treeline. While the day may be dry the smell of wet leaves is strong on the partially shaded path.

My mind is free to wander as I enjoy the day.

Things had changed so much in the last few weeks, let alone counting Elsie coming into my life. It was nice to have a moment to breath. I couldn't imagine my life without Elsie in it now and she was only ten weeks old. Living with Nancy was better than I thought it would be. Used to living on my own for the past year I thought I would be too independent, but I loved having other people at home. I still struggled with letting her pay for so much but she refuses to take a penny off me. She's said I can still work if I want, but any money I earn is my own to treat myself with.

Considering some of the issues I've had recently this isn't a bad one to have.

Another thing I've struggled to get used to is the lifts off Cal and Lila. I thought it might just be a one-time thing but Cal waits for me every day after school. He'd even started inviting me to hang out with him at lunch. While I was getting better at talking to Cal, his sister on the other hand, remained a different story. My crush on her was growing. I would always sit behind Cal in the car just so I could see Lila at the diagonal. The butterflies in my stomach rendering me speechless every time.

She probably thought I was such a nutjob.

As we exit the tree line Elsie wakes-up. Great timing kid, you missed the scenery. I stop to settle her down as she starts whimpering. Crouching down in front of the push chair I talk to Elsie, wiping the little tears from her chubby cheeks. Once the confusion wears off, she smiles and settles down.

While down there I feel more than see someone stop next to us.

"Good afternoon, ladies."

"Lila." I squeak, whipping my head around. Be cool, just keep your cool.

"Mic." Lila says with a smile. I'm blushing. I bet I'm blushing. Oh god, my face is probably scarlet.

I stand up on shaky legs, dusting off my hands on my trousers. "Hi." Hi? Really?

"Hello. The two of you enjoying an afternoon walk?"

"Yeah, well more me, someone only just woke up." I say giving Elsie a warm smile. Keep looking at Elsie, I can think clearer if I look at Elsie. Lila chuckles and my resolve turns to goo. "What about you?" Go me, that was actually an attempt at conversation. My voice was almost back to normal by the last word. Now if I could just have Elsie with me every time I talked to Lila; I might stand a chance at asking her out. Yeah, fat chance of that happening.

"I was passing and felt it was a nice day for a trip through the park. Mind if I join you both?"

She wants to spend time with me, us? "Yes. I mean, I would like that. We would like that." Way to not sound eager, idiot.

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