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"Nan?" Elsie asks from Nancy's arms.

"Yes baby?"

"Do you wear PJ's?" Elsie asks, causing me to splutter and Lila to tuck her face into my shoulder to hide the giggles.

Oh god, I know where this is going.

Nancy looks a little confused but goes with it. "Yes, Elsie I do. Just like you do."

"Mummy doesn't." She giggles.

How can she be so adorable and still be completely mortifying?

Nancy's eyes widen slightly, the only sign she realises what is happening. "She doesn't? well what does she wear to bed then?" Nancy asks Elsie with over-the-top shock. Much to Elsie's amusement.

"Nothing." Elsie says, covering her mouth as she continues to giggle.

Ground swallow me up.

"Well, what about Lila?" Nancy asks.

"She was hiding under the blanket." Elsie says, completely stitching us up.

"Elsie, why don't you and I go and get some drinks from the shop? Give your mum time to stop her face being as red as her gown." Lila chuckles, gathering Elsie from Nancy.

When Elsie is far enough away and I feel the ability to talk again, I explain to Nancy. "She had a bad dream last night and came into my room."

"Yeah, no need to say what the two of you were up to."

"I can't believe she just said that."

Nancy laughs. "I remember your mum telling me about a time when you walked in on them in a similar situation."

"What? Ew."

"Apparently you started clapping, thinking they were playing a game."

"Noo. What a weird thing to do."

"Your mum said she's never seen your dad loose ..."

"Please don't finish that sentence." I cringe. Causing Nancy to laugh even more.

"You've been back with Lila for a year now Mic. It's kind of a given that the two of you are, shall we say intimate."

"Still doesn't mean I want to talk about that with my mother."

It was still confusing for us on how long to class mine and Lila's relationship. When we first got together at seventeen, we had a lot of firsts together. We thought we would go the distance.

Then in second year of uni we broke up.

We're not really sure why we did but we did. Both of us tried dating other people none of them fit right. Then one day we happened to be in the same room for the first time in months.

It was a work night out. I was still working in Danny's cafe around my university schedule. With Elsie at home, I didn't go out a lot. Nancy had moved out after my first year in uni but had only moved a few streets over. Elsie was enrolled in a day care centre in the uni so she came in with me each day, allowing Nancy to return to work. It was great for Elsie being around more children, she was growing up so fast.

I'd gone to the bar to order because the connection on my phone was too weak to order at the table. As I waited in a queue, day-dreaming about being at home, curled up in pyjamas with Elsie watching her newest favourite film for the ten thousand time. There was a presence behind me, a little closer than socially appropriate.

"The usual, miss Hayes, or are we mixing it up these days?" I hear whispered over my shoulder.

A smile forms on my face as the warm familiarity of the voice sinks in.

"Lila Jenkins." I say, turning around to take in my first love again for the first time in a year.

We started talking and the spark was still there. Both of us forgot about the people we were there with as we found a table and caught up.

I left that pub with the biggest smile on my face. Lila messaged me that same night asking me on a date and we'd been back together ever since.

Elsie still adored Lila and now I'm officially Elsie's mum, I need to take Elsie's opinion into account. I never introduced Elsie to the two girls I had a brief encounter with. They knew she existed but they were never serious enough for me to introduce. Lila on the other hand I brought her around again after a month of secret dating.

Lila was always good with my daughter; it feels like I could be giving Elsie a second parent one day. As Elsie's mum though I need to think about her wellbeing. I've been her mum in name only for so long but now it was legal. When I turned eighteen, we started the process to turn guardianship over to me. Now I've recently turned twenty-one I can adopt her and in the last two months have done just that.

"Where's your mum?" I hear Lila's voice before I see her.

As I look around, I see Elsie lifted in the air, looking out over the crowd. The little girl who looks so much like me people have a hard time believing that she's not biologically my daughter.

"Over there." Elsie's voice yells above the crowd. Nancy and I laugh and wave to Elsie.


"There." She exclaims.

Somehow Lila finds us, passing out bottled drinks to us. As well as a kiss and that sexy half smile for me. Got to say, still turns me to jelly. Something she very well knows about and uses as a weapon. Part of me is annoyed but in the long run I don't care if I still get to have that half-smile directed at me.

I love her.

With it being graduation week, it was a busy few days for us. Lila had her graduation ceremony yesterday, mine was today, then Cal's was taking place tomorrow. Cal and I were there to support Lila yesterday, waiting outside as her parents watched the actual ceremony. Today, Lila, Elsie and Nancy were here to watch me accept my diploma.

While Lila and I went to neighbouring universities in our home city, Cal decided to go further afield. Like other side of Wales, a two-hour drive further afield.

Lila had missed him like crazy but he was back now and it was like they were never apart. The three of us had a caravan holiday booked with Elsie. I'm not sure who was looking forward to it more but the four of us were leaving next week. Pretty sure Cal already had his suitcase packed as well as games for Elsie for the drive.

Four years ago, I was living alone, abandoned by the only family I had left in the world. Struggling to make ends meet, fooling myself into thinking I was fine. I thought I wouldn't have anyone here in this moment. Then my daughter came into my life and changed everything for the better. Now I have my mum, my daughter, a best friend and my girlfriend. I am truly loved.

A/N: Thanks for reading. If you've got this far thank you for your time. The votes and comments mean a lot and gives me the courage to continue posting more stories. Thank you again, until next time. :)

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