Chapter 12

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Ugh, this cold is killing me. My sleep has been intermittent all night as I struggle to get comfortable. My head feeling all fuzzy and full of mucus. My nose is like a bloody leaky tap. How can my nose feel full and stuffy, yet not stop pouring at the same time? It seems like it should be one or the other.

This is where my mind deliriously takes me in the early hours of the morning.

Elsie went down with only a little trouble but has thankfully stayed down. I followed her example and headed to bed not long after. Dosed up with the medicine I bought earlier in the day. The medicine the only thing that came from that store because I can't entertain the idea that Amanda recognised me.

As six o'clock rolls around I give up and climb out of bed. The plan toilet then a cup of hot water to help my throat. Like she knows I'm up, Elsie cries out.

"Okay, baby girl, I'm coming." I say, trying to put a little volume in my raspy voice. Clearing my throat to see if that will help me talk.

Picking her up and it's clear by the feel that she needs a nappy change. Laying her down on the changing table, talking to her the whole time.

Wow, that is a load.

Yet I can't smell anything.

One little benefit at less.

Downfall, I really need to wipe my nose so I don't drip everywhere but I'm elbow deep in this nappy. At less Elsie is content now.

"Right Elsie, I really need the loo myself so I'm going to pop you back in your cot. Then we'll both go downstairs. Deal?" I take her gurgling and kicking out as approval. Chuckling at her happy demeaner.

With my bladder taken care of the two of us head downstairs. I place Elsie on her play mat, leaving her to be entertained by the colourful shapes arched over the mat. While I move to the kitchen to get our drinks ready. As Elsie's bottle cool's I take some more medicine.

Hopefully they'll kick in soon because the pain in my head is increasing.

Elsie welcomes her bottle as pick her back up. Cwtching her in as she enjoys her meal. Once she's burped my energy is drained. With her settled back on her mat, I prop myself on the sofa. I'm sitting up so I can breathe, but comfortable. Just got to stay awake now.

It's just turned eight when Nancy comes home. I tried to get up but had to sit back down with a dizzy spell. That's how Nancy found me in the living room.

"Aw, Mic." She says rushing over to me.

"I tried to get up too quickly." I say, trying to down play how shit I feel.

"This is why I came home early. Have you taken anything?"

"I took some tablets just after six. Don't really feel like eating. Elsie has been changed and had a bottle around the same time."

Nancy picks Elsie up, giving her a cwtch, and a kiss in greeting. "You behaved Elsie-bear? Yeah, good, because you're going to help me look after your Aunty Mic." Nancy says, I try to protest but she cuts me off. "Zip-it, you are to do nothing but relax today. Sit there wrapped up and let us wait on you. That is an order from your elder." She says, pulling a funny strict face at the end, causing me to chuckle.

Holding my hands up in submission.

"Good. Now, I know you don't feel like it but I want you to eat something. Toast or biscuits, just something. What about something to drink?"

"I did make myself a cup of hot water but it's gone cold now, and I'll try a bit of toast to please you."

"Coming right up. Come on Elsie-bear, you're never too young to learn how to make toast."

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