Loss and a new path

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[A/n ~ Another Time skip . This happens one month after Tyson leaves]

[Disclaimer - Bleach ,Beyblade ,Naruto and jujutsu kaisen are not mine ,They belong to their creators. I only own this plot line ]

[And i def don't own that picture]


All went black, Ichigo knew . He knew this was it .Zangetsu was going to leave. He knew it wouldn't last long, but it still hurt . Shiro had collected a good amount of spiritual pressure and had sealed it deep within him, ensuring that he wouldn't be gone and that Ichigo could see and hear spirits but Ichigo would not be able to use his soul reaper powers as the amount was nowhere close to the amount of spiritual he used to have . Shiro knew Ichigo needed him now .

Ichigo woke up and sat up immediately . He noticed that the spirits around him were slowly disappearing . That means that for him to see Shiro or even hear him , Shiro will need a Gigai or release that pressure Shiro has bundled up. He decided not to reveal this to his friends. He didn't know if he should . He would but not today . Today was the day he said goodbye ,for now .

"Whats with you being all moody . Just because you can't see me ,doesn't mean I cant"Rukia said playfully hitting his shoulder.

Ichigo let out a chuckle .He then noticed her disappearing .

"This is it, huh Rukia "

"yes.."She said with a smile of sadness

"Tell them I said goodbye.."

"I will "

And Rukia was gone . Ichigo sighed and looked up at the sky ,he knew she wouldn't visit Karakura again and he knew he would miss that midget.

He went back to his room and sat down on his bed with a grunt .

Meanwhile Shiro was about to release the spirtual pressure ,when he was sure that Ichigo had almost drained all of his spiritual pressure . Shiro quickly released it. Ichigo twitched slightly as felt a stinging pain in his chest .It soon stopped .He felt cold and soon a pleasant warmth spread across his chest . He was able to see the spirits once more! He never thought he would feel happy to see the annoying old man who went through their walls all the time!

"Damn ..Thank you Shiro"He laughed a little and rubbed his eyes as he felt them sting a little.  

'Mind if I come out king ?'

'No ' Ichigo said with a frown

Shiro frowned and raised a brow.He let out a chuckle when realisation hit him

'Mind if i come out Ichigo ' Shiro asked ,correcting himself

'you may' Ichigo said with a grin 

Shiro materialised beside him and plopped down on the bed beside him,

"That was one heartbreaking scene. You ok ?"Shiro asked 

Ichigo forced himself not to stare at Shiro ,wide eyed . After allowing Shiro to materialise ,Shiro was much more sane and...nice. Shiro's voice was no longer distorted, it was a cheeky voice but still quite deep . He was not quite used to a nice Shiro who was not going to kill if he got distracted for a second. 

"I'm fine "He said with a small smile 

"So what's the plan . No soul reapers and the dimension jumpers haven't contacted you yet ."

"Dunno . Maybe relax for a while "

"That ain't a good plan . I know you well and you'll keep thinking of soul society , so no "

"You know me too well, Shirosaki "Ichigo said

"So ,we've got nothing to do .No soul society and no calls from the Dimension jumpers.We just gotta sit tight without you overthinking anything and stressing about things"

"Don't think I would stress about anything, cause I don't think any soul reapers are gonna be around for a while."

"Those damn Shinigami ,they just scram back to soul society after something bad happens and send incompetent ones to defend the towns around here and only send better ones when the worlds about to collapse"Shiro said quite annoyed by the way soul society worked 

Ichigo bit down a laugh ,He was a substitute soul reaper after all . 'Was'.

"You're overthinking again, aren't ya?" 

"Yeah, don't worry about it . So our schedule is free and we don't know what to add other than daily exercise."

"Yeah and I ain't  good with any human activities ,so..."

"Perhaps we can be of some help ."Tyson said sitting by the window sill.

"Tyson!"Ichigo exclaimed ,quite surprised.

"The dimension jumpers are free and ready to help you out ."Tyson said with a grin 

"Welp Ichi ,we've got our schedule full now"Shiro said with a grin 

"Yeah .Yeah we do ."Ichigo said returning the grin

"Hope you packed and have you informed your family?"Tyson asked 

"No not really.I never do-"

Suddenly Shiro disappeared and entered Ichigo's Inner mind ,the albino had sensed the presence of the Kurosaki family's head .

"ICHIGO~"Isshin yelled as he kicked the door open . Tyson and Ichigo quickly stepped aside causing the man to fall out of the window and crashed into the potted plants .Ichigo sighed, thoroughly annoyed by his father's antics. He quickly locked the window and pulled out his duffel bag . 

"I would like to leave before he comes back up"Ichigo pleaded

"As much as I want to agree ,no . You are leaving after having lunch which is in about 60 seconds"Tyson said

"What ?! I don't want to that'll only make me even more queasy !"Ichigo pleaded

"No Ichigo . Your sister ,Yuzu was it? ,would be very displeased.From what I've heard she is motherly and kind. You shouldn't make such a nice kid sad .So you leave after lunch.That's final"Tyson said firmly .Ichigo sighed and nodded.

Ichigo ,even though he didn't want to ,joined his family for lunch.Like every Sunday ,Yuzu had made their favourites. He sighed but not out of displeasure ,but out of relief and slight guilt .He was glad he joined his family for lunch . Yuzu was extremely happy when he complimented her but something nagged her saying that something was about to happen and she knew it wasn't something good .Ichigo was a bit guilty that he thought of ditching them .No matter how annoying his father was, Family is Family.

After a hearty meal ,he headed upstairs .He was ready to set out on this new path .Slightly excited about the new journeys it would bring .

"Ready to go ?"Tyson asked .Ichigo nodded and they began walking to link which was near the park .

"Yeah .Tyson?"He paused 

Tyson turned around , "Yes?"

"Thanks "

"For what ?"

"For the advice . I'm glad I ate lunch with them ."

"You're welcome but you'll probably regret it soon . "Tyson snickered as he typed in the name of their HQ dimension. Ichigo groaned as he remembered how upset his stomach would be when he reached the dimension .He sighed and dug his hands into his pocket and breathed in. But even though he felt like this , irritated and nervous ,there was a slight tingle of excitement too. He was about to begin a new journey .He wondered where this path would take him . Would he have more losses because he chose this path ,he did not know. He always followed his instinct and winged it . He was never a person to overthink when it came to decisions like these. So why should this path be any different ?

A familiar pull dragged him out of his thoughts . Setting his thought aside, he hoped he would land on his feet and his stomach wouldn't be too upset when he reached. 

[That it is all for this chapter . Andromeda signing out ....for now . 'til next time]

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