New findings

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Disclaimer - Don't own any animes mentioned below. Only own the plot line.


Ichigo called Tyson five, FIVE times in quick succession. All calls were declined. Shiro materialised beside Ichigo , startling both Ichigo and Akio who was sitting on the couch next to where Ichigo stood.

" What the hell, Shiro! " Ichigo spoke, surprised

" That is real? " Akio muttered

Ichigo raised a brow when he heard Akio's words.

" Aiko.?-"

" It's Akio, sir. Akio Nakata. "

" Ah, yes sorry about that. Akio, tell me. Can you actually see Shiro? " Pointing his thumb at Shiro. The albino had gone surprisingly quiet.

" If you're talking about that guy in the weird dress, then yes. " Akio nodded.

Ichigo frowned. The kid was probably from a different dimension. Most people from other dimensions were able to see Shiro, and the kid was probably a relative of the blue eyed devil. Ichigo sighs and looks back at Shiro before raising a brow at Shiro's odd behavior.

" Ichigo. Come out. I have something ta say " The albino spoke after a while.

Ichigo frowns as he follows Shiro outside. He wondered what was going on in the albino's mind. It was rather unfair that Shiro got to listen to all all of Ichigo's thoughts, while Shiro could easily block Ichigo from hearing Shiro's.

" Ya know, I knew that you can't sense well but the fact that your sensing is so poor is worrying. " Shiro spoke.

Ichigo raised a brow" Mind elaborating? "

Shiro sighed. " Did you not feel that the kids presence is weird, I know that he looks similar to the blue eyed devil, however did you not notice a few presences surrounding the kid? "

Ichigo frowns before allowing his Reiatsu to travel and search.

His eyes flutter shut in concentration. That is when he notices a presence, then another, then another. All of them in the park where he found Akio and in the cafe he took Akio to. His open as his  thoughts finally click into place.

Shiro voices his findings " The kids being tracked "

Ichigo's phone vibrates in his hand, the screen flashing, showing the caller ID

'Tyson Granger'


Tyson put Hikaru on a bed in the infirmary in the base camp . It was weird to know that Hikaru was alive and even weird and perhaps horrifying to know that Hikaru was in the opposite side.

He sighs as he hears his phone ring. He was being called incessantly by Hilary. They had a beyblade match coming up.

It wasn't exactly a championship, but it held importance. It was to show the world that BBA isn't down yet. They weren't ready to host extravagant championships but were financially more stable now and wanted to host this event .

But that doesn't mean that you won't give the man a break.

He picks up the phone nonetheless.

" No excuses Tyson. You maybe the strongest fighter or whatever. But you have a title to keep so get your ass over here" He hears Hillary yell through the phone .

Tyson open his mouth to argue and justify his absence, however Hillary had already cut the phone from her end.

Tyson sighs and decides to pop by the Granger household and explain the situation.

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