Force to be reckoned with

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"Itadori is up "

The room was silent once more. Their faces turned grim. Itadori wasn't someone to go down that easy, meaning something surprised him. What did surprise him and what did the man say?

The group slowly entered the room. Itadori gave all of them a smile as he saw them enter.

"You ok? " Tyson asked

Itadori nodded in affirmation.

Tyson sighed in relief before continuing

"Itadori , could you tell me who attacked you . Anything that caught your eye? "
Itadori frowned and placed a crooked index finger on his chin .

"I guess, he wore all black and his eyes were black "

" Black , huh? " Ichigo whispered

" Yeah and he asked me about the doorways of all realities and he attacked me with... Chakra if I am not wrong "

"Guess, this is a declaration of war, " Naruto said

"I don't think so " Gojo said

" Me neither, " Kakashi said ,with a nod.

" Why so? " Kugisaki asked

" I feel that they don't think we are strong enough to be even considered as something that will obstruct their path. " Kakashi explained

" I get it. " Ichigo said with a sigh " Two of us got taken down in a single strike . We are weak. "

" Don't lump all of us with you, Ichigo"Naruto said

Ichigo scowled deeper and narrowed his eyes . He opened his mouth to yell but was interrupted by Tyson.

" Naruto is correct, Ichigo. I won't say you're weak but you have lost most of your powers. You are not at your peak but you have potential. But as for the rest of us, you cannot call us weak for we have quite a few tricks up our sleeves "

Ichigo huffed and crossed his arms, but didn't object.

"Anyways, Yuji anything else " Naruto asked

The pink haired boy shook his head.

"Alright, guess we ought to leave -" Naruto began but stopped as he felt a presence. It was menacing and fast approaching.

"Naru-" Kugisaki began but didn't speak anything more as she was shushed by both Gojo and Naruto.

"Why this is quite the reception, eh? " A voice said from the door.

All eyes were on the person

"Arrancar " Ichigo whispered

He was a businessman. Resentment turned him into a hollow. That was all he remembers of his 'life'

"Welcome back, Keiji. You shall be called Pizzaro from this day forth "

"Thank you, Aizen -sama"

"You will be among the strongest. Serve me well "

But he should never have trusted what the man said.


" ! Shut up! "The guard growled.
He had been locked up for months. He had been starved and tortured for he felt that Aizen wasn't genuine. He knew that the man considered them as mere pawns. He was a vasto lorde . He was better than the young Adjudhas. He knew how it feels . How it feels to be powerful.

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