Kaneki Aoi - The Traitor

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(A/n - the drawing is mine)

Disclaimer - Don't own any characters only the plot line and my OC's

Thank you Tyson. But unfortunately, traitors always die.


According to Ichigo, he had had much too many uninvited guests today. First the three, Tyson, Ichigo and Shiro, had been ambushed by Tyson's aunt and team 5 from Kami Kemono no Chikara . They already knew about dimensions but there was still some awkwardness . The group was soon able to escape but another lot ambushed them. None other than the Team G revolution. A beautiful cluster of lies was released and the group escaped .

But just his luck , he was once more ambushed by none other than a traitor.


How had his day exactly started?

It had started out pretty normal. Ichigo woke up in the morning, suprisingly in a good mood. The three, Ichigo, Tyson and Shiro had arrived the previous day.

Tyson's house was empty and deserted. His grandfather had gone to Egypt to visit his brother, Hiro and his father. Tyson had no duties to attend and was , other than babysitting him and Shiro , completely free. But Tyson just didn't want to visit his family.

Him and his brother weren't in good terms all the time. Despite the two being really close when together, their relationship was always quite rocky. Tyson and Hiro were brought up differently and therefore have different ideologies.

The two didn't hate each other but didn't see eye to eye on many subjects.

Ichigo didn't want to burn his brain thinking about how to fix their relationship. Not because he wouldn't but because he couldn't. No one could, really. The two were quite alright with their current relationship so why bother fix it?

The two brothers would never see eye to eye on everything but as long as the two agreed with each other when the argument was valid and as long as the two remained friendly to each other, it was alright.

There are different types of siblings in this world. As long as you care for each other and look out for one another, it's alright. That was Ichigo's conclusion to these useless thoughts.

The group ate breakfast in silence. Ichigo and Shiro wanted to train but when they saw Tyson's stated they decided to do so later . Tyson was jolted awake at 6 in morning by Shiro who played Isshin's special good morning, recording 2 . Tyson had screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Shut it! Some of us slept at 2 in the morning!"

Surprisingly, the two didn't get any sort of angry pr disappointed looks. Ichigo was quite relieved and felt like a bit stupid for thinking, Tyson would hold any sort of grudges just because Shiro played the Isshin's special good morning, recording 2 .

Dead wrong.

Tyson casually sat down with his breakfast and announced.

" You're getting a bundle of paperwork "

That was all he said before he began eating. The two wanted to revolt but Tyson's usually happy face looked pretty scary right now. Similar to that of a ticking time bomb.

Ichigo didn't much of Tyson's life , so he didn't quite know why Tyson looked the same. But he didn't exactly want to intrude, so he dropped the subject without even trying to start it .

The three were then ambushed by Team 5 . They left the house soon but one ambush was followed by another one and now here he was,standing in front of a woman he knew nothing about. She had dark, thick black hair, which was braided . He noticed there was a ribbon tied to her hair and it fluttered in the wind every now and then. Her eyes were sharp and were green in colour and she wore an orange shirt and black pants. A passerby wouldn't notice her if she wasn't holding a spear as tall as her.

Ichigo noticed Tyson's eyes growing cold. He noticed , from Tyson's behavior, that Tyson knew the woman. Shiro noticed the same.

"Oi, Tyson. Who 'he hell is she? " Shiro asked

"Kaneki Aoi. Wielder of the snow leopard bit beast. One of the strongest advisors who betrayed the organisation and went missing. You were presumed dead. What business do you have here? " Tyson asked, his tone harsh.

"My, My lil Ty. You still remember me! As for what business I have. You'll know that soon " The woman, now identified as Kaneki Aoi, spoke. She raised her spear and charged at the group.


A traitor, that's what she always was. She had infiltrated and betrayed many organisations for Kami Kemono no Chikara.
All of that was, according to the other advisors, for peace. She used to belong to Team 8 , the infiltration team, commonly know as the spies.

She was cunning and smart. She had mastery in multiple weapons and languages. But she was, in the end of the day , nothing but a traitor.

And then she had to betray the organisation itself, for Shakti.

"We must find out who the traitors are. I apologize for placing such a heavy burden on you, Aoi " Were his words to her .

A burden. A heavy burden that she may have to carry all her life. She would have to betray her little brother, Kuroo who admired her and trusted her. She would have to betray Arata, who loved her and trusted her. But she must remain loyal. She must remain loyal to Shakthi, who always thought about the well being of 'The power of divine beasts". She must proceed with this plan that he has written down for her .

She proceeded with his plan, knowing it would perhaps take months even years for this to be completed. But deep inside she hoped it'd be over soon and she could rush back into the arms of her beloved.

But just her luck, she was thrown into a much bigger play that involved other worlds, other realities, other dimensions.

She now stands beside the man ,who is called 'Master' by all of them. His true name or intentions are unknown to her. She doesn't know if she must stand beside him or fight. Nonetheless she joins forces with him. If she ever feels his intentions are wrong or will only cause havoc and misery, she will betray him. After all, She was a traitor.


{ That's about it for this chapter! Until next time}

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