Issues in different realities

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Disclaimer - Don't own any of the animes. Only own this plotline and my Ocs.


Ichigo frowned. How on earth had this happened?

An intruder. That was surprising.

He scowled™ before analyzing the intruder. Chocolate brown eyes widened as he remembered who the intruder was.

" Kurosaki Ichigo. Former Substitute Soul Reaper. Long time no see. "


To sort out issues within a single dimension is a pain but to sort out issues in multiple dimension? Unbelievably troublesome.

But here he was, sitting with the other dimension jumpers, listening to different issues of their dimensions.

Ichigo couldn't say that he would rather have a peaceful life as he had chosen to join the dimension jumpers . He had done it willingly. So he couldn't complain about it. And he wouldn't do so either.

Ichigo sat up in his chair when he heard Tyson say that he had special news about something that may be a threat to all dimensions. Gojo too nodded and stated that he too had something to speak of.

Ichigo abandoned his thoughts to listen to them, curious.

Tyson exhaled before speaking.

" Well, I received information about this a few weeks ago and now it's been confirmed . 4 of my former comrades have now joined forces with the one who is called Master"

A slight silence slipped into the room which was broken by Shiro.

" Who gives a damn about that. We are gonna beat all of their asses any way"

Naruto grinned before nodding.

" It's true. I understand that losing a comrade is painful and quite heartbreaking. But you know, they're just dumb and we gotta put them back on the right path. " Naruto said with a smile.

Ichigo merely nodded. He noticed Tyson visibly relax. He, initially, thought that Tyson was overreacting. But as he thought back to his own life, he fought a war to bring back Inoue. Even though by the end of the war his motives changed drastically. Losing Inoue was the start of it all.

He knew that he too would be just as worried and tensed as Tyson if something like that were to happen in his dimension.

" Anyways, I don't know most of their powers. " Tyson said

Megumi sighed as he considered this troublesome. Not knowing your opponents skill was a major set back in battle. As you don't know what is going to happen next. But then again, that was what made a batte exciting.

" I don't know most of them because in Kami Kemono no Chikara we follow a certain amount of secrecy. Only a handful of people know all my powers and I only know a handful of people's powers. " Tyson sighed before continuing.

" I knew 2 of them personally but no one reveals your powers just because of that. I do know this much. All of them are considered to be powerhouses within Kami Kemono no Chikara. And all of the have powerful bit beast. "

" Can you not get more information on them from your organization?. " Nobara asked

" I can but that will raise a decent amount of suspicion. Let me see if I can smuggle in some information after that I will inform you guys. " Tyson said

" I'm done, so you can tell us your information , Gojo. " Tyson added.

" Yeah, well mine's something similar too. Recently, A lady , a Jujustsu sorcerer went missing. She was a woman with a very interesting technique. Poisons and chemicals were her best friends. And just the last day, I was informed that she had been spotted. And after using something to cover her presence she entered a link. Something similar to the dust cracker used by the ninjas. " Gojo said

"Smoke Bomb! " Naruto said with a glare

Gojo merely shrugged.

" Who cares. Anyways, she forgot the fact that I have the six eyes and I can easily see through some dust. " Gojo shrugged " Or she wanted me to know that "

" Meaning. She knows you're a dimension jumper " Kakashi supplied, turning a page.

" Perhaps. " Gojo said with a nod

" But it is rather unlikely " Tyson said

"Do you know her well? " Nobara asked

"Merely an acquaintance. " Gojo said with a dismissing wave.

" What about her technique? " Nobara questioned.

" Vaguely " Gojo said

"Surely, sensei can beat her!... right? " Yuji said with sparkles in his eyes.

" Of course I can " Gojo said with a grin on his face, two of his fingers forming a 'v'.

" Damn handsome cocky bastard. " Ichigo grunted. The group broke into peals of laughter.


{Few weeks later }

Ichigo narrowed his eyes .

" You. Why are you here? " He growled. Why was he here? .

" Ah, well. I was hoping for a better welcome you know " The man said. Despite wearing a mask, his voice wasn't muffled. A feat he had only seen Kakashi perform.

There stood the man, the one who attacked him months ago. The one who had asked Ichigo to join his side.

Who was this man and Why was he in Ichigo's bedroom.

The man crossed his arms behind his back and continued.

" I hear you and your little group are trying to obstruct my plans. I do not like that. " He said. His voice still calm.

" Who are you?! Why are you here?! " Ichigo demanded.

The man chuckled . He was finding this interaction rather amusing. His malicious green eyes twinkled with mischief, yet his aura remained dangerous and frightening.

His appearance was rather odd. And earring that resembled an anchor. A black mask and pure white robes. His hair snow white. His skin was fairly pale. His eyes green.

The man looked towards Ichigo, speaking again.

" Who am I? " He paused ,chuckling yet again.

" I wonder will you go and convey everything I say to your friends? " He asked

" Perhaps. " Ichigo's  scowl deepened

Shiro watched this from within Ichigo's mindscape. He had no intention to move from his position until he sensed danger from that guy and nervousness from Ichigo.

Shiro frowned, scrunching up his brows. This was leading no where. Nor did it tell them what the man's intentions are.

The biggest question still lay there unanswered . What was the man's motive. Why was he ready to destroy dimensions for it? What did he gain?

His attention snapped back to what was going on when he heard the man stop chuckling and speak again.

" Well, I suppose it is certain that you will not join me. Pity, you could've achieved many great feats. " He said, his voice a bit bitter.

Ichigo's scowl deepened further. Shiro jokingly thought that perhaps Ichigo could enter the guiness book for 'deepest scowl'.

But his funny and interesting thoughts were disrupted yet again by the masked antagonist.

" Very well then. This was your last chance, Kurosaki Ichigo. As for my name. I have many names. Different people call me different names. And you can call me - Daiki." With these words spoken, the man vanished. No evidence was left. Nothing to trace him.

Shiro materialised beside Ichigo.

" Now that was interesting, neh? How about we call another meeting? "


( A/n - Until next time!)

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