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Hikaru Sato.

Hikaru, a name that meant Radiance and yet he asks himself almost every single day.

Radiance is my name, then why...

How did my life turn so dark....?

Hikaru Sato was a man who has been suffering from memory loss for the past few months of his life.

Hikaru had described his first memories as waking up and wondering where he is, before he wonders how he got here and then his brain shifted to the question, who he is.

Hikaru was captured and placed in one of the territories that were placed under Ao's surveillance.

Hikaru was kept in the room for one whole week after waking up. The servants would come in to Hikaru's room to provide him with the basic necessities such as food, clothing and water.

Hikaru was kept under observation for a duration of three weeks. During the observation, Hikaru was asked to work out and refine his techniques. The boy had been confused at first,as he had no memory of what had occured in his past.

Using that as an advantage, Ao created a story, a fake story that was supposed to be Hikaru's past.

A story where he had been betrayed because of which he had become a faithful servant of  Master Daiki, who had saved him when he had almost been killed.

Hikaru was not entirely convinced but he accepted the story of his past and their help to regain his former strength.

After that, Hikaru was kept under constant supervision for a time period of two months. After which be was deemed trustworthy and was sent out for missions.

His first few missions were with some of his colleagues , in order to help him learn. He quickly absorbed all the information and was soon strong enough to go on solo missions.

Hikaru liked going on missions , well he used to.

Once he got stronger, he was sent out on tougher missions. Missions that included taking people's lives, innocent people's lives.

As he got stronger, the more he sunk into darkness. He would think about his deeds every night. Tears would sometimes slip down his face as guilt and sadness enveloped him.

On one such night he had a dream. A dream in which he saw a woman, a tall woman. Her long brown hair ,that was just like his own, tied back into a braid. He couldn't see her face as she had her back against him. He hears a child calll out to her, by babbling out the words


She slowly turns around. He holds his breath, he watches on, waiting for her to show her face and soon he sees them. Those beautiful, teal blue eyes of his mother. He wonders how he was sure that she was his mother. He doesn't know how, but for whatever reason, he knew it deep within that she was his mother.

The dream shifted to another scene, where there were five twelve year olds horsing around. The two boys were laughing, running away with the buckets full of paint. Two girls chased after them, their clothes vibrantly coloured and faces caked with powder and paint.

One girl watches shyly from a distance. She seemed to have been spared by the boys. She giggles and turns to him and says something he cannot hear.

The scene suddenly shifts to a garden next to a small cottage. The sky was painted orange and pink, the sun setting. The same girl from before, the one who had been watching from a distance, stood next to him.

She was fiddling with a package in her hand, her eyes dancing from one place to another, as though she was nervous,

He doesn't move his mouth, but he hears his voice speak.

" Yuki, just hand it over.. "

Yuki.. So that was her name.

" Ah, yes-  here. I don't if you'll like it - I made it and it's - "

Ignoring her words, he rips it open and gently takes out the present within. He stares at the pendant that resembled both a snowflake and a ray of light. A pendant that he still has with him.

" It's beautiful.. " He hears himself say

" You really think so? "

" Yeah... "

He watches as a beautiful smile spreads out on her face. Her hazel eyes softening with happiness and affection. He feels something pull at his heart. He felt happy, warm.

And he realises.

He loved her...

The scene once again shifts. He was now sitting on a cliff. He hears footsteps that were coming closer to him.

He glances back to check who it was and spots one of the young boys he had seen in his previous memory or dream. The boy who was present here had midnight blue hair and mahogany eyes. He had on a yellow t-shirt with a red jacket and blue black jeans.

The boy was holding a long package in one of his hands. He tosses it in the air and Hikaru catches it.

" Happy birthday, Hikaru. " The boys says with a soft smile.

" Thanks, lil Ty" He hears himself reply.

" That nickname will never leave me huh? "

" Nope "

The boy laughs out loud with a sigh.

" Aren't you going to open your gift? "

Hikaru's fingers move to rip open the cover. He takes out his present, a sword or rather a Katana.

" It was made by a friends friend , who is a blacksmith. The guy did a great job. " The boy says, taking a seat next Hikaru.

" Thank you, it's wonderful. " He hears himself reply.

A few moments pass, before he hears himself try to strike up a conversation again.

" So how is the championship going? "

" It's alright. It's good. " Tyson says with a nod.

Silence once again takes over.

After a moment he hears himself speak again

" Hey, Tyson. Do you think I too will fall into the dark. "

The boy frowns, answering after a moment.

" If this is about the bullshit that guy was spouting, then you ought to know that he was mad and he was speaking non sense. "

" No, Ty. I was just asking, I was just.. " Hikaru feels himself let out a sigh. The boy speaks again after a moment.

" Besides You're radiance, aren't you? I don't think you can fall into the 'darkness' like that" He says with a grin on his face.

Hikaru feels himself laugh put loud at that.

" Yeah.. You're right.. "

Then why ?

why does he feel like he's sinking further and further into darkness?

Hikaru's eyes flutter open. He can't seem tp remember the whole dream, just a few bits and pieces of it. He tries to piece them together but he is interrupted by his colleagues who had a new mission for him.

And, who knew that he would cross paths with the same boy who had boldly stated that Hikaru would never fall into darkness that very same day?


Sorry about the delay!

Until next time !

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