The new seal

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(Disclaimer - Don't own any other animes. Only own the plotline of this story)


Tyson's doubts had been confirmed. He sighed. He had hoped he was wrong for once. But sadly it was true. He grit his teeth . He had to convey this to the the team. This issue was no longer one that was confined to just his dimension. It now affected all dimensions . It was important for all team members to know the same. Yet he was hesitant.

Even though Tyson was Blue dragon,he had many things he held close to his heart. And Tyson did everything he could to keep his precious people safe. And right now he was in a dilemma. Conveying this information would probably be hard because then he too would be accepting the truth.

He sighed, this wasn't the time to be selfish, he had to think about the safety of all dimensions. He didn't have the luxury of being selfish. He had to convey the truth, even if it shattered the image of those people.

The image he carried around in his heart had to be shattered for the greater good. His attention was drawn to his phone as heard it's ringtone. He flipped it open and answered.

"Yes, Naruto? " His eyes widened, glistening with excitement and relief. Naruto had kept his word.

"Yeah, let's keep a meeting. Yeah. " His eyes slowly lost its shine as he spoke, remembering the information he had confirmed.

He cut the call soon and sighed. He had to convey this message, no matter what.

Naruto's eyes gleamed with excitement as he surveyed his finished seal. This was the first seal he had taken so long to make. But his word remained true. It took him exactly three weeks and two days to finish it. Well who cares about the extra two days. He made the seal, didn't he?

He twirled his pencil and sighed. The seal wouldn't meet it's purpose though. No seal cannot be nullified. Every seal can be cancelled out. The person only has to give his seal the exact opposite properties to cancel out the seal . It was a simple yet genius idea. But then again the process is hard.

Nullification of a seal is a very tough task. For even the slightest difference between the properties or the slightest mistake could change the result of what happens. And if the any of the aforementioned things occur, the nullification will not happen.

This seal would buy them time as it will take the person sometime to figure out the seal. Naruto knew that he had to do something to stop the nullification . Therefore he was going to capture this seal master. That person is the root cause and Naruto was going cage him. In order to do the same he would plant two more seals which were not visible to the naked eye near this seal. That way he would be alerted if anything happens.

He would definitely capture this guy and get some notes on those nullification seals. After all this was a really simple yet powerful and irritating power which he could use. And irritating his opponents was something he enjoyed.

With a grin, he grabbed his dimension phone, the one hidden in a scroll and called up Tyson to convey this exciting news.


Ichigo stepped out of the shower and toweled himself dry . His day had been normal . Then again the past few weeks had been normal. And that was boring the crap out of Shiro who badly wanted to fight. Ichigo ,because of his upcoming exams , was unable to entertain the albino . And hence, Shiro was currently sulking in a corner of his room. Ichigo rolled his eyes at the overdramatic hollow. Couldn't he live a peaceful life?

Ichigo had provided him with a sketchbook and a few other art supplies along with his old textbooks and workbooks. The albino was surprisingly , a natural artist. His sketches were a bit sloppy but he drew well . Ichigo wondered if Shiro had been a normal teenager, Ichigo would have forced him to enroll into a design course or drawing classes. He shook his head, there was no use imagining the impossible but he hoped he could do something to enable Shiro to live a normal. Maybe he could ask Kisuke for a gigai but that would have to wait .

Shiro was also good at human subjects. He took very little time to understand a concept and was just as good as Ichigo in academics. He was ,after all, Ichigo's other half.

Ichigo's eyes glanced to his dimensions phone which had begun ringing. He grabbed it and checked what was going on. He grinned as he read the message.

"Oi, Shiro! " He spoke to the hollow who was now drawing in his sketchbook .

"What? " Shiro asked.

"Stop sulking and get ready. We've got to visit the base dimension in sometime. " He said , a smirk playing on his lips.

Shiro's golden eyes shot up to look at him. His eyes , once more, glinted with mischief and amusement. His lopsided grin back on his lips.

Ichigo rolled his eyes.

'Like a mischievous four year old ' he thought.


Gojo satoru was lounging on a chair in his room. He had had a long mission at Tokyo and he had bought many souvenirs himself . The first years had to stay back at the high school for they , according to the higher ups, may hold him back.

He yawned and took the bowl of sweet next to him and was about to pop one into his mouth but his hand stopped when he heard Itadori's 'Gojo -sensei!!' .

The door was pulled open and there stood his pink haired student. He noticed Itadori's eyes sparkling with excitement.

" Maa ~ Itadori - kun . Why are you so excited? " He asked, popping the candy into his mouth.

" There's a meeting! " Itadori said with a grin

Gojo smiled and stood up.

" Well then! Shall we leave? " He said as he noticed the other two first years standing near the door. The 4 soon left for the base dimension.


A/n ~ Until next time!


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