A favour

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Disclaimer - Don't own any animes. I only own this plot line and my Ocs .


The threat named Ginjo had to be eradicated. Everyone knew that. Everyone thought that Ginjo would probably no longer be a threat. But no one knew that Ginjo had his own plan. He had his own motives.

Despite losing his soul reaper powers Ginjo didn't want to remain powerless. He wanted to regain his power. And on top of that, he wanted more power. That was when he found out about the Fullbring. He knew that now he had a path, a solution to his problems. But that was not all. None of the people he had recruited had a Fullbring that was strong enough in his standards . All of their Fullbring together would give him great power, but he still wasn't satisfied.

That was when he learnt of Kurosaki Ichigo.

That was when he knew that all his issues would probably end soon. He knew that Ichigo wouldn't listen to simple reasoning. Rather he would only listen if he was in a tight spot. He would only listen if his family was involved. If his family was in danger. And soon Ginjo would be bestowed with power so great, he would be able to take down Genryusai Yamamoto .


Ichigo strolled around Karakura town with his sister Yuzu. She had just been attacked by a hollow. Despite that she continued to walk cheerfully, her hand swinging the slightly torn paper bag .

Ichigo was quite proud of his younger sister. Yuzu was incredible. Her emotional balance and mental strength was amazing . He let a small smile twitch up his lips. But it soon disappeared as he thought of the man who 'saved' his sister.

The man was none other than Ginko Or was it Ginjo? Whatever it was, the guy really was troublesome. The man continues to pester Ichigo despite Ichigo declining the request given by Sado. He had no intention to join the 'Fullbringers' . He knew that Sado means well but he also knew that Ginjo probably doesn't.

He frowned.

Still, Ichigo was no longer able to use his soul form. It had almost been two years now. And he wanted to be able to do it again. But no matter how long he thinks about it, he doesn't get a clue on how to do it. He wonders if he should ask Isshin. But then again, Goat face was able to get back his powers only after 10 long years. Ichigo didn't want to wait so long. He had questioned Shiro about it but Shiro didn't have an answer either.

Shiro had told him that he was a combination of souls. An experiment done by Aizen . And that he had no memory of what had happened in his past life. He also said that he may not even be a part of Ichigo's soul. But he had the ability of holding Zangetsu. The two were more like twins. Two souls with same abilities and power . And this time, they weren't a horse and it's king. They were partners.

And well, the one he thought was Zangetsu had revealed to him that he wasn't his soul reaper powers. He was his Quincy powers. He was also a watered down version of Yhwach. And somehow, he was able to forgive Ild man Zangetsu in a blink of the eye. He didn't mind. Zangetsu or rather Yhwach was merely trying to protect him. And he appreciated that.

It was then decided that Yhwach would be Yhwach Or if he felt like it,Old man Zangetsu . And Shiro would be called Shiro, as the albino had warmed up to that name.

Who 'Zangetsu ' was was unknown. But Ichigo didn't really care. Zangetsu was both Shiro and Yhwach. That was all that mattered to him.

Ichigo's attention snapped back to his sister when she called out his name. He noticed that he had stopped walking. He gave her a reassuring smile as he once more began walking. Yuzu's eyebrows scrunched up a bit but she shook her head and gave him a smile before turning around.

Ichigo sighed. He was worrying her. Maybe it was time to go meet Urahara. As much as the man annoyed him, he would probably help the orange head out. After all, Urahara owes him to some extent .


Ichigo kicked a pebble in front of him. He was now walking to Uraharah's. He had dropped Yuzu back home and had left a note for his father.

Well that was new. He never did say anything much to his father. As was their relationship. But perhaps,niw the two were a tad more...open? He didn't know anymore, but he still didn't completely trust his father. After finding about most of what had happened to his mother and his father's past,he was still unsure if he should convey everything to his father . Then again,he didn't really care .

He no longer cared if there were any knots in their relationship. After all, they never did act like father and son. They were more like..friends? That felt odd. Whatever their relationship was, even if they disliked each other, in the end of the day they were on the same side . They understood each other and respected each other's choices and decisions. That was good enough for both of them.

His legs came to a halt when he reached the shop.

A smile twitches up his lips as remembers himself skipping class to visit Urahara in order to save Soul society and countless other reasons.

He frowns, wondering why he had to always show up and save their asses. Like weren't they strong enough or what?

He gently opens the door and steps in. He then let's his eyes study the place.

Ururu was dusting the place. She noticed him arrive and greets him before continuing her work. He nods,acknowledging her .He is taken aback by her appearance. It had only been a few months since he saw her. Last time she looked like child of 12 or 11 but right now she looked like a young maiden around his age.

He heard Jinta yell outside to a few children. He couldn't help but snort. Jinta was still the same. Same old, bossy, idiotic, annoying Jinta.

He then saw Tessai enter, the man grabs a box and asks Ichigo to wait while he goes and calls Urahara. Ichigo stands there in the dusty shop, waiting for the blonde man's arrival. He hears the door open with a gentle tap. He glances up to see Kisuke Urahara.

There stood Kisuke Urahara wearing his  green, striped hat, waving his hand fan, his stick in his other hand. He smiles the same annoying, cheerful, chirpy smile.

" Ah, Kurosaki - San. What brings you here"the man asks, snapping his hand fan shut.

"Nothing, I just have a favour to ask. " Ichigo replies, his hand buried deep into his pocket.

" Ask away " Was the reply given by the genius scientist in front of Ichigo


( A/n~ Until next time y'all)

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