The Double Date

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Disclaimer - Don't own any of the animes mentioned here. Own only this plotline and my Ocs


Tyson stares back at Hikaru. Eyes narrowing as the pang in his chest lessens and curiosity takes over.

Hikaru's appearance was odd. It was nothing like before. His clothes had changed. He wore a brown jacket on top of a creme shirt. A sword was attached to his belt. His brown hair was longer and was now tied back in a ponytail. A scar was present above his right eye.

The only similarity was that he wore the necklace Yuki had given him. The one which was a mix of the scattering of light and a snow crystal. Symbolising both of them.

Perhaps there was still hope, perhaps Hikaru was still in there.

Hikaru begins the attack. Unleashing his sword. It was the same sword Hikaru owned. Tyson meets the sword with his own.

" Cap'n ! Do you not remember me ? " Tyson yells

Hikaru jumps back, eyes narrowing a bit before shifting back to a neutral face.

" I do not know you. " Hikaru answers meeting Tyson's attack as Tyson charges ahead with his sword.

" You have to cap'n! " Tyson yells. Pushing his sword to make Hikaru lose his grip.

Hikaru growls before pushing Tyson's sword away and swinging his sword, aiming for a slash across his stomach.

Tyson jumps back and blocks it with his forearm . Blood dribbles out of the cut as Tyson grips his sword once more.

" This isn't you Hikaru! How could a man that is compared to light and radiance by his comrades be lost in the darkness? " Tyson yells.

Hikaru's eyes widen . He drops his sword. Confusion evident in him . Tyson uses this chance to get behind him and knock him out.

Hikaru drops to the ground. Tyson stares at his former captain. A cluster of varying emotions surging within him.

Tyson didn't know what he ought to do with Hikaru. Taking him to Kami Kemono no Chikara was a risk. Tyson needed to question him. He needed to know where the hell he was and what on earth was going on. He needed to know why Hikaru showed no sign of remembering Tyson. He needed to everything that happened to Hikaru in the last 2 years.

Tyson sighs and decides to take his former captain to the base dimension. He sighs again as he remembers the fact that he was supposed to pop by Kami Kemono no Chikara and the dojo. But now ge doesn't really have a choice. He had to skip that. After all he had bigger fish to fry. He would get away with a silly excuse again.

'How troublesome it is to lead a double life.'
Tyson wonders as he walks away carrying Hikaru on his back.


Ichigo scowl had deepened as he walks towards the park. He had just escaped. The double date was alright all in all but it was awfully awkward.

He had dressed in his casual wear which was a bit nicer than the ones ge usually wore. A white t-shirt, a yellow summer jacket and brown pants.

Orihime had dressed well too. A pink T-shirt and blueish grey skirt.

Rukia and Renji had taken the gigais provided by Urahara . Rukia had worn a green and white dress, and Renji had worn a purple shirt along with jeans.

They had gone to the ice cream shop. Orihime and Ichigo had been able to chat for a while but Rukia's stupid comments didn't allow him to make a proper conversation with Orihime.

Renji was merely snickering from the side, enjoying the damn show.

Ichigo was able to get his revenge, though it can't really be called one, he had teased both of them relentlessly after a while and Orihime was the one snickering ( or rather giggling) . But the look on Rukia's face gave him the knowledge that this wasn't over and that something may occur that would definitely be embarrassing. But he shrugs it off, he could take whatever the midget threw at him.

After Orihime announced that it was time for her to go and left.Ichigo made a run for it , not wanting to be a third wheel during their date.

He was about to sit down on a bench when he notices a child sleeping on it. He shake the child awake and notice that it is a boy. He estimates the age of the child to be around 7 or 8 .

" Don't you think you ought to be at your home right now ? " Ichigo asks.

The child shakes his head and replies in a childish voice

" I don't really have a home to return to. "

" Did your parents.. " Ichigo spoke trailing off, not wanting to finish the sentence.

The boy shakes his head no before speaking.

" I was thrown out by mother. "

Ichigo raises a brow, surprised and mildly curious.

" I see. So you don't have a place to stay? "

The boy shakes his head.

" Come on. Are you hungry? " Ichigo asks standing up.

The boy shakes his head no but his stomach replies otherwise.

" Come along " Ichigo says a gentle smirk on his lips as he walks forward. The boy follows behind Ichigo.

The two make their way to a new restaurant and the boy asks for omelette rice. They serve the child the same and Ichigo a cup of coffee.

Ichigo's phone dings incessantly, annoying Ichigo and the people around him. Annoyed, Ichigo opens his phone and notices that Gojo had sent pictures to all of them .

He snorts at the embarrassing pictures of Gojo's students. His eyes glance to the young boy who was trying to look at the pictures too. And his eyes widen

Realisation passes through Ichigo, as he understands why Tyson found the boy familiar.

The boy shrinks away and mutters an apology when he notices Ichigo's shift in body language.

" Sorry, sorry. Just - I - leave it. Here, take it. Look through the pictures " Ichigo offers the phone to the boy who timidly takes it and looks through the pictures. Ichigo sips his coffee as the cogs in his brain work faster. This arises a new issue. An issue that had to be dealt with quickly.

He had to inform Tyson of this as soon as possible.

His attention is grabbed back by the young child who asks.

" Who is this? " The child was pointing to the man laughing in the side.

" That " Ichigo responds " Is Gojo Satoru. "


( Until next time, Y'all.)

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