Double Date

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He stares at the all too familiar scene, bored.

He would rather not be here at all but orders are orders

Right underneath the building top he was looking from, within an alleyway stood two figures. A man and a woman both had brown hair .

The man yelled at her.

" Are you cheating on me? "

" What the hell are you talking about " She whispers, confused .

" Don't lie to me! You were at my friends house weren't you! I saw you enter his house! " He roars

A smile breaks out on her lips as a giggle escapes her. She leans her head forward to his chest and whispers.

" You misunderstood love. " She giggles

" I misunderstood? " He says visibly relaxing before he feels something sharp pierce him through his stomach. He looks down to see a knife and the one holding it was the woman dating him.

" I went there to kill! But you saw me and you have to be killed now! " She giggles a smirk settling on her features.

Her eyes cold as she murders the man.

Once the deed is done, she tugs of her wig, allowing her red hair to tumble out of it.

He jumps down the roof and stands next to his sister.

" Had your fun, Aka? "

She laughs, cold and bitter

" Yes, yes I have brother . New orders? "

" Yes. Daiki-sama has a new task for both of us "

She nods and both of them disappear, leaving no traces of their existence behind.


Orihime picked up her phone, answering the call after checking the caller ID

" Kurosaki - kun? - " She winces when she hears incessant shouts from the background, presumably by a certain orange haired hybrid

" Ah! Orihime! You see, we are organising a double date! Me and renji and you and Ichigo! Get ready by 5! " Rukia's voice spoke through the phone before the line cut.

Orihime's brain took time to process the information before she blushed beet red.
A Double Date? With Ichigo?!

~ Meanwhile with Ichigo ~

Kisuke sweat drops as he sees Ichigo visibly deflate and Rukia snickering at his current state. Renji had a smirk of his own .

Ichigo could hear Shiro cackling in his mind and even Zangetsu chuckled. Really why was he being put through this torture ?

"Really Ichigo. It's just a double date! Besides you had a choice! Either spill what you were doing or the double date"

"Damn you. I ain't talking. It's not the date I am pissed off about Or rather worried about. It's about Inoue's feeling that I am worried! I don't want to hurt her more than I already have! " Ichigo replies with a scowl

" Orihime's feelings? Hurt her? What on earth happened between you two?! " Rukia hollered.

Ichigo sighs " It's better if Orihime explains the situation "

Rukia narrows her eyes but doesn't question him

Ichigo's dimension phone rings , he answers it after checking who it was. He steps out despite Rukia asking him not to.

"Tyson? "

"Ichigo. Has anything unusual happened in your dimension as of yet? "

" No. Why? "

"Just checking "

" Did anything happen in yours? "

"A fire , and I saw a kid in the middle of the fire . I think I've seen the kid before. Or atleast someone looking like the kid. "

"I see . Dunno Tyson , nothing happened here. "

"Alright. Later ."

" Later" Ichigo responds and the line cuts off.

Rukia steps out and lets out a noise of disappointment.

" The phone calls over? "

" Yeah. Nosy shrimp. "

An indignant shout from the short shinigami followed.
Tyson sighs and closes his phone. He wonders why the fire and the kid was bothering him so much .

He sighs. He knew something wrong was going to happen. Every time he felt restless, problems rain down. He pockets his phone and stands. It would be best if he left for his own dimension now. He had visited the base dimension to calm down. But it didn't help much.

He walks to the link nearby and types the name of his dimension.

He soon arrives. It was dark . He sighs, he had spent a little more time away than he had planned. He decides to shrug it off. He always makes excuses for his disappearances. There's nothing new in it.

He walks down the road.

His feet halt when he feels someone behind him. He decides to continue walking and not do anything rash. A few moments later, he is grabbed from behind, a hand around his stomach and the other one on his neck.

Using his hips to hoist the man up and flip him to the ground, Tyson escaped the hold. Tyson notices a mask and quickly tears it away from his attackers face.

His eyes widen in shock.

"Captain.. " He whispers

There lay Hikaru Sato. Former captain of Team 5 . His former comrade. A comrade who is supposed to ne dead. The same man has just attacked him. Proving all the theories he previously had about the missing advisors true.

There was a pang in his chest. The pain of betrayal hurt bad.


Itadori walks beside the boy he had just helped out. Turned out the young boy was a runaway. But Yuuji didn't want to give the boy to police. Especially after what Sukuna had just stated.

"The brat seems to have cursed energy. "

That left Yuuji in shock. This news was a bit of a shock. He turns around when he notices the boy was not beside him anymore.

But there was no one there anymore.

Yuji's eyes widen. What on earth was going on?


Akio walks beside the man who had just helped him out. He had offered Akio a place to stay. That was rather kind. Akio trips as he walk, suddenly a hole opens pulling him in.

Akio wanted to scream, but his energy had been completely drained. Once again he falls.

His eyes flutter open. He is lying on his stomach. Trembling he sits up. It was rather cold. He looks up at the sky and notices it was night now. With a sigh he stands and looks around. He sees bench nearby. He slowly moves towards it and curls up on it.

'What a wonderful day ' He thinks sarcastically


( until next time!)

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