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Disclaimer - Don't own any of the animes mentioned in this story. Own the plotline though.


Rukia and Renji stared at the orange head. Both opened and closed their mouths like goldfish. Was it really real or just an illusion. The two didn't know anymore. They hadn't gotten any rest for the past few days and they weren't really in a relaxed , calm state.

They had been worried about their friend. Really worried. Then the issue with the Reio ...

" Ah! Kurosaki-kun! You're here. Good, good. Well the issue is right in front of you. Please be kind and deal with it " Kisuke said with his usual (annoying, according to one hybrid orange head) smile, waving his hand fan in front of his face before turning around and leaving them alone.

" Hat and clogs -" Ichigo was cut off by the door sliding shut.

Urahara sighs in relief. The amount of questions the kuchiki had thrown at him had scared him. He also felt that leaving his friends in the dark for long was not a good idea, at all. That never ended well. It was a risk to all three worlds of this dimension.

Urahara walks away, into his laboratory. Hand fan closed.

Ichigo blinks. He turned to the two shinigami.

" Hello. Eh- uh.. How are you? " He says, awkwardly

Shiro cackled loudly inside his mind. Damn hollow, but Ichigo would've done the same if someone else was in this situation. So he can't judge really.

An uproar was heard across the town. The ones at fault? Two people from the afterlife or rather, the soul society.


Tyson gazed down at the fire that had mysteriously occured. Haru, the lieutenant of Team 12 from Kami Kemono no Chikara , had gone missing a few months prior. He had been found soon after. But he had been tortured and was now in no condition to fight or help out. Physically he was alright. Mentally he wasn't .

No information of the missing advisors had been received .

And after his meeting with Daiki, he was sure that Daiki and the missing advisors were partners in crime. Well, that was just a theory as of now.

He sighs and rubs the side of his face.

He suddenly feels a presence. His ,currently, blue eyes glance towards where he felt it. He sees a young boy, nearly six or five years of age. His appearance somewhat similar to someone he has met.

He stands to get closer to the boy but the boy runs away and disappears and so does his presence. Tyson's eyes narrow at this peculiar sight.

He hears his teammates call for him. He decides to investigate about it later. First he had panicked villagers and a fire to deal with.


Naruto stands in front of the head Noble's mansion. He jumps on to a roof, for which he gets a few profanities yelled at by his kunoichi teammate, Sakura. He stared down at the landscape of the land he had now arrived at.

Getsugakure. The land of moon. It surely was beautiful. The rumours of the beautiful island shaped like the moon proved true.

He senses Sakura jumping on to the roof too. He knew what was coming next and to limit the damage ,he ducks his head a little before her punch made contact with it.

"How many times do I have to tell you to come down from the roof?! " She yells

" Forgive me Sakura"

Naruto apologises and jumps down from the roof. Sakura had been quite down for the past few weeks. Sasuke had finally been captured. Naruto was unable to do anything about him going to prison though.

Naruto had wanted to be the one to save the raven. To knock some sense into his head.

But then again, what could he really do?

Sasuke had taken this path by his own choice. He had not stepped into it by accident . Hate had clouded his mind and he lost himself to get revenge.

He remembers what Kakashi had said to him that day. He had been down after visiting Sasuke. Sasuke had mocked him, had spoken low of him. And that somehow affected Naruto a lot.

There has always been a large gap between the two. Especially when it came to chakra. He had had very little control over the vast resources of chakra he had and Sasuke had soon gained control of it. While Sasuke was considered a prodigy , he was merely the back bencher, the loser, the lost cause. And even after 4 whole years, it continues to affect him.

Kakashi had noticed that and he had said.

"Naruto.He may seem to be stronger than you but he , currently , is just a crazy idiot. You too have the right to hate the whole leaf village but you didn't. You wanted to be recognised instead .And in terms of strength, you have far surpassed him or you're equal to him . You also received a few extra powers, like me, but lets keep that a secret, neh? "

Naruto was surprised about the sudden speech Kakashi delivered but he was happy his teacher had.

He hears another screech from his pink haired teammate, which he ignores. Really, did he actually have a crush on Sakura before?

He really doesn't what he actually saw in her. She is a good friend. A nice person . But sometime she was really annoying. Then again,he was annoying sometimes too . But that was usually on purpose.

He sighs when he hears Kakashi call for him too. Will no one allow him take a nice walk around this beautiful island?

He sighs and turns around, returning to his teammates.


Akio tumbles through the woods. Despite entering the woods weeks ago he hadn't been able to find enough food to last him atleast a single day. He was a child and he couldn't really hunt or kill. He felt weak, not having eaten much for the past few days .

He trips over a fallen branch and falls. The fall felt like a void. Like it was never going to end.

He lands on his feet and he smells..smoke?

His eyes snap open and he looks around. Fire surrounded him. He notices two blue glowing eyes look at him. Fear encases him , remembering the man who turned his life hell, he runs.

He once again falls, weak on his feet due to hunger. Once again he feels the same void .

Suddenly he is laying on his back, he was laying on soft grass.

Now that surprised him. The forest was filled with thorn and bushes, not soft grass. And the second place was surrounded by fire. These sudden changes in place and surroundings intrigued him and scared him at the same time.

He sits up. It seems to be a park. He looks up and meets light brown eyes, staring intently at him. He cowers a little in fear.

" Hey, this is no place to sleep" He hears

He meets those brown eyes again. They were softer now. Maybe this person wasn't too bad after all.


( Ps - Naruto's age differs in this storyline. Instead of going to war at the age of 16 ,I would like to make him older.

Until next time...)

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