Pieces ( Arc 1 end)

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Disclaimer - Don't own any of the animes. I own this plot line though.


A young, white haired boy stood hugging himself in the middle of a maze. He ponders on how he got here and what he last did. He remembers the latter but the former was a blur. He didn't know how he reached here. He was merely playing a game of tag with a few kids he met on the street.

His age 6 ,his name...Akio Nakata

It's meaning was luminous. He had taken his mother's last name.

He never really loved his name .

His mother would always sigh and say

" What a pity , son. You aren't as luminous as your father. You aren't even close to him. Sometimes I wonder if you are even my son. If you even are his son. Perhaps the lady in the hospital gave me the wrong child "

She scorned him but she provided for him and somewhat took care of him. As for his father, he had never bothered to visit him and his mother so he wonders what kind of jerk he is.

He sighs. What was the use of thinking about his family when he was lost here.

He spots of a girl around his age. He quickly run up to her. She had snow white hair akin to his.

He waves his hand but she doesn't notice. He calls out but she ignores him. He then stands in front of her. Raising a hand awkwardly. His grey eyes, something he got from his mother widen as he notices something.

She was not looking at him. She stood in front of him, her eyes seemed to be looking at him but they weren't. They were looking through him.

He gulps. This was too much for his 7 year old self to digest.

He was scared. Even when he was playing alone in dark alleyways, he had never felt scared. He knew every possible situation that could happen. He knew he wriggle out of them somehow. But here, in this place he is scared.

The girl utters inaudible words he cannot make out. Then she disappears into smoke.

He decides to take a path, wherever it leads him, he would follow it.


Tyson Granger sat silently in the room. His anger had dissipated.

He no longer knew why he still had feelings for her. He didn't know why she had joined the other side. He didn't know what her intentions are. He felt like he didn't know anything about her anymore.

He sighs and chuckles

" How long will torment my skies?.. Tori? "


Kakashi entered the Hokage's room. Tsunade sat on the chair many great leaders had once sat. Her whole body was rigid. Her lips were set in a thin line. Tsunade acknowledged Kakashi with a nod and gestures him to sit in front of her. He nods and sits in front of her.
The next words she speaks sends his world crashing down.

"Kakashi... It's about your daughter... "


Aki remembers her father's hands. He always held her hand when they went on walks.

Their life was peaceful.

Then why was her life right now so chaotic? So miserable?

Sometimes everything scares her. The man who speaks to her, who asks her to join him. The woman who plays with fire. The girl with snow white hair who , in her opinion, is not in her right mind.

She yearns to see her father again. Will she ever be able to?


Rukia stares at the terrace of Ichigo's highschool. A frown settling on her face.

She had looked for Ichigo all over. He was nowhere to be found. He was not at school and Urahara also knew nothing. His family was doing well and they weren't affected at all. It was like they hadn't noticed him leaving. But perhaps it wasn't like that. Maybe they did know something. Maybe they were all hiding something. Now that she thinks back, Urahara was acting a little strange.

Whatever maybe, She had to find out the truth. She had to find Ichigo.


Ichigo waited patiently. Well that was a lie. He was walking around and fiddling around with random objects he never thought the group owned.

He checked his watch. Half an hour has passed...

" Argh! " He opens the door, sword in hand. Ready to hunt those idiots down. Why the hell were they so damn late?

He was met with Naruto who had a rather sheepish smile on his face.

"Hello" Naruto nods.

Ichigo brings down a pan( which appeared out of nowhere) onto the blondes head. A lump formed on Naruto's head. Naruto glared at him and wrestled the pan out of his hands and revenge was taken.

Shiro materialised and cackled. Gojo quickly flipped out his phone and began taking pictures. Itadori ran to help the two up. Kugisaki snorted and placed her shopping bag on a stool nearby . Megumi rolled his eyes muttering something.

Kakashi eye smiled at the two who had lumps on their heads .

" If you two don't mind may I enter? What I mean is can you get up and move aside so other people can use the damn door to get in? . " He bit out.

The two cleared the path and Kakashi walked away.

" Geez, whats wrong with our open closet pervert? " Kugisaki asked

" Something happened. Tsunade called him and since then he has been like this " Naruto said with a frown.

His sensei usually never got angry. Kakashi always had a level head and a calm demeanor. He never allowed any sort of emotional conflict show. He was rather closed off.

" Oi. Where is Tyson? " Ichigo asked

" No clue. We arrived just now." Megumi answered

That struck Ichigo odd. Tyson was never really late for any of their meetings, so what on earth occurred because of which even he is late?

The group trooped into their meeting room . And who do they find in there. None other than Tyson granger reading a book sitting next to Kakashi who was doing the same.

" How the hell did you get in here before us?" Naruto asks before Ichigo gets the chance to do so.

" Secret. " Tyson responds with a mischievous glint in his mahogany eyes.

The group settles down. And they first turn to Tyson who gives them a dismissive wave.

" Ichigo will speak first. " He said

Ichigo nodded and spoke

" Well, what Kisuke said was that all I need to do is to disrupt my hidden reiatsu with reiatsu from outside. So I'll need Dragoon's help. "

Tyson nodded, he notices all of them staring at him. So he decides to speak.

" After what happened in my last mission. After I met Daiki personally, I think his motive is to gain the power of each and every crest or the most powerful crests of different dimensions. "


2 months pass.

The threat named Ginjo had been eradicated. His masterplan failed. The one who took him down was none other than his target

Kurosaki Ichigo


( Arc 1 ends here.

Now we'll be seeing more of my Ocs and what Daiki's doings are. Who are on the other side and who will become allies. It will all come to light. It will continue to center the dimension jumpers

Until next time...), 

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