Broken Seal

18 2 0

~6 months pass ~

The Dimension jumpers were all back to their normal lifestyles. Ichigo had returned to Karakura town.

Ichigo soon received word from Kisuke,that Rukia might be returning soon . She had become a lieutenant now. Ichigo smiled at the thought of meeting her again. He woke up surprisingly early that day, without Shiro playing a recording of his father screaming good morning.

Shiro was asleep beside Ichigo's bed on a futon. The two had been up late last night playing Monopoly. Ichigo losing miserably. He was astonished that he was up at 6 even though he slept so late at night. He shrugged it off and stumbled to the washroom to wash up .

Shiro woke up a few minutes later and was surprised to not find his partner asleep. He sulked about the fact that he couldn't wake the orange head up. He enjoyed watching Ichigo wake up face flat on the ground as he was jolted awake by Shiro playing his father's one-of-a kind  good morning.

Shiro groaned and stood up , going back to Ichigo's inner mind.

"Morning Ichi," Shiro said through their mental connection

"Morning, Shiro " Ichigo replied, stifling a yawn.

He stumbled down the stairs and gave Yuzu a puzzled look, for she was packing food on a much larger scale.

"Why are you packing so much ? " He asked with a yawn.

"Don't tell me you forgot, Ichi-nii " Yuzu said with a frown

Ichigo stared at her

" You forgot " Karin said with a sigh.

" We are going camping, Ichi-nii. "Yuzu said as she continued her packing.

" Oh "

The twins and his father would go on camping trips every year. He stopped going with them when high school started. If he was honest, he was glad he didn't have to go with them. The old man yelling all the way in the car was not on his bucket list. The house was silent, and there used to be no Isshin style wake up calls. Well, it used to be, Shiro had taken up the job and was excelling at it.

He nodded and sat down at the table to have his food.

" When are you guys leaving? "

" At around 1 in the afternoon. " Yuzu answered as she brought the dishes to the table.

The 3 siblings ate their food in silence. Their father was visiting Kisuke urahara for various reasons that no one knew. The shrill sound of the telephone echoed throughout the house. Yuzu hurried to pick.

"Dad? " Yuzu asked confused.

"We aren't going? " She once more spoke, and there was a pause


"Ichi-nii! Dad wants to talk to you ! He says it's urgent! "Yuzu yelled

Ichigo let out a sigh and walked towards the phone . Yuzu handed it to him.

" What do you want, goat face? " He answered.

His eyes widened at the response.

The alarm buzzed in Tyson's room. He was working through a pile of paperwork he had been setting aside for months . He frowned. Why now, of all times?

He quickly grabbed his dagger  and dimension phone. The Dimension phone was  designed in different ways for each person. For Tyson it was a flip phone .

He flipped his phone open and checked who had raised the alarm. It was Ichigo. He frowned before ringing up his friend.


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