Another seal master.

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Tyson , Naruto and Kakashi were the first to arrive. Ichigo was waiting for them with Kisuke and Isshin. 

"What's going on this time? " Naruto said, scratching the back of his ear in an annoyed manner. 

"The seal broke," was the reply from the orange head 

"Impossible " Naruto muttered his eyes wide. 


The seal was indeed broken . That was Kakashi's conclusion after checking it out. The seal that had multiple layers and was in par with the seals done by the famous seal masters from the Uzumaki clan was broken. 

Kakashi stared at it, his eyes narrowing. How was someone able to break it. He had never heard of anyone capable of breaking an SS rank seal. Such a feat is rare. But Naruto wasn't so sure about that. 

Naruto fiddled with it for a while, before standing up and facing the group. 

" It wasn't broken. It was nullified. "

"Nullified? " Tyson said with a raised brow 

"Yeah. It's like when something comes and clashes with its opposite. Then boom the two cancel out each other. " Naruto spoke , his arms swinging around , explaining with action. 

Tyson let out a sigh. 

" So we have a genius seal maker on the other side , huh. That makes it worse," Tyson said placing his tea on the table. 

" Yeah, but you've got one too" Naruto said with a grin. 

Tyson let out a relieved sigh. Naruto wasn't going to be frustrated or nervous just because he had been outsmarted. Tyson was glad. 

Ichigo gave him a puzzled look. 

" Give me three weeks. I'll give you a much stronger and better seal," Naruto said, holding up three fingers. 

Tyson slung his hand across Naruto's shoulder. 

" That's the spirit! "Tyson said it with a grin on his lips. 

Ichigo smiled. They really were incredible. 


Ichigo decided to visit Tyson's dimension. Ichigo decided that ditching school for a few days was completely fine. The guy had the right amount of attendance and could be in the top 10 without breaking a sweat . But he really, really needed a break. 

His life had been full of adrenaline bursts. He couldn't say he enjoyed all the fights; ,being cut up by weird men, who are actually spirits ,carrying swords which were also spirits, was definitely not on his bucket list. But he did miss fighting. The excitement, the drive, and the energy bursts. It was thoroughly exhausting, but somehow it was enjoyable. 

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