7 . A bell test

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“So what exactly is this test? “ Ichigo asked ,it was 12 in the afternoon .

The orange head had completely passed out after his dimension jump , he was awoken by a hard slap from one whiskered blonde, which obviously broke into a fight.
Right now he was heading to the training area with Tyson, who literally dragged him away from his breakfast or rather brunch for a ‘test’.

“I don’t think I should be telling you that , kakashi will do the honours “Tyson said 

“You do know information before the exam helps , right?” Ichigo said 

“That’s exactly why I shall not be telling you, but even if I did it would've been of no use. I myself have never seen it and do not know what will occur “Tyson said with a smile

“gee thanks “ Ichigo said 

They walked to the training area and stood ,well he did ,Tyson immediately just sat down on a log knowing that the masked man won't be making an appearance any time soon .They waited and waited and waited...... (*cricket chirping*)

1 hour later ...

Tyson sighed. He was hopeful that the man would arrive on time. He wondered why he even hoped so...

2 hours later..

A tic mark formed on Ichigo's forehead while Tyson was just bored and disappointed that he couldn't finish this early like he had planned...

 3 hours later …

“WHERE THE HELL IS THAT MAN!!!”Ichigo yelled 

“Now Now ,patience , It's still early ..”came a drawled reply from a bored teenager beside him

“EARLY!!? HE'S THREE HOURS , HOURS DAMNED LATE ,HE-“ichigo began yelling but a puff of smoke made him stop 

And there stood the silver haired masked man, his book open in his hand and his eye was glued to it until he saw Ichigo's face and sweatdropped with his visible eye crinkling up.

Ichigo's face darkened as he clutched his katana ready to kill the man who stood there smiling a sheepish smile . Tyson wisely decided restrained him by increasing the air pressure in the form of shackles forcing the orange head to stay put and not kill the man.

“Sorry. I got lost in the path of life “Kakashi said ,eye smiling ,with one hand raised as though he made a genuine mistake and that the excuse was a good one.

“YA DAMN -“ Ichigo yelled as the shackles which were binding him broke.

15 mins later...

“So now that all this is sorted out , Kakashi go on and explain . I’ll be leaving but I’ll be watching ,so do your best Ichigo ”Tyson  said and walked off and jumped onto a tree ,where he could view them . He had to assess the fight, to know how much kurosaki Ichigo had to improve

“Very well ,this test can be called ’The bell test’ . In this test you’ll be trying to take this bell from me . You can use whatever means and tools . Come at me like you want to kill me and try to take these by 6pm.If you fail you will be tied to a stump till tomorrow morning “Kakashi said 

“That’s all?”

“Yes …”

Ichigo ran forward and swung his sword, only to swing it in the air as the man was no longer present there.

'I didn't even feel his presence as he moved'

He felt something cold on his neck and heard his opponent speak

“Now now ,Patience is a virtue . I didn’t even say start. "Kakashi said from behind holding a kunai at Ichigo's neck

"3,2,1 . Start .” With that Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke ,much to the orange heads surprise and annoyance.


The match was actually easy for Kakashi . Ichigo wasn't as good as he used to be before the loss of spiritual pressure.
He was in between, not as bad as genins but not as good as a jonin . What you would call a chunin in the ninja dimension.

So ichigo ended up planted .His head sticking out of the ground and his body buried before 5pm .

Tyson jumped down and kneeled down to Ichigo’s level 

“That was not the best level I expected but it was not the worst . "

"Yes . Low to mid chunin " Kakashi said as he idly turned a page of his book. Causing Ichigo to grow a tick mark .
The man could at least put the damn book down.

"Simply put we have work to do and I am going to pit you against Kakashi ,Naruto , Itadori ,maybe gojo and the others and me ,and within these 8 days we are gonna increase your stamina ,fitness and chakra control , cursed energy’s for another time “

Ichigo took in all the information ,but was quite embarrassed and downcast that he was taken down this easily .

Man ,he was slacking the past month and wasn’t surprised at the fact that he needed improvement but was not that glad he was taken this quick and that Kakashi didn't even break a sweat .But everything aside he was willing to improve,he wanted to use his newly attained powers.

He nodded his head ,determined to take on the tasks in front of him .

"But all this is only happening after you do your end of the gamble " Tyson said with a grin

" Eh! The - The tree stump. He was serious?"Ichigo shrieked , which he would deny any time.

"Of course. What made you think otherwise?" Kakashi said

"Either that Or you stay here " Tyson said a mischievous glint in his eyes.

That was how Ichigo ended up tied to a stump till the next afternoon.

~>Bonus <~

"Why did you do that though? " Kakashi asked his eye leaving the book to look at Tyson, as they walked back to their base. He had never intended to tie Ichigo to a stump. It was just a slip of the tongue because of the amount of times he said the same words to the genin.

" Pay back for causing two fights " Tyson said with a peace sign and a grin.

Kakashi let out a dry chuckle and returned to his book.

[A/n~ Apologies for the delay. I had a slight issue so i couldn't post. But here's the chapter. Andromeda signing out.. For now.'til next time]

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