part 5

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It's been a week since I started working with the FSC corporation. Everything is going on well. We are 10 in number and I must confess I feel odd. This inferiority complex I battled during my high school days is back hitting me differently. The other models are way too beautiful out of my league. I keep wondering why Boss chose to employ me. It's not as if I did well in the last interview with her. The other candidates she dropped were even prettier than I am and with relevant experiences in modeling.

We have been undergoing intensive training in modeling and also about the company and its history. I noticed that everytime Boss is around, everywhere tends to be so quiet and calm. It's only her secretary that is relaxed maybe because she is used to her already. I became curious about the work environment and decided to ask our coach.

"Boss is a very strict person especially with work. She doesn't speak much, she only takes action. But she is not heartless because every of her action is justified. Like most of the people she fired in the past caused it themselves. You know boss always observes from afar and when she gets fed up, she fires the person because she has gotten enough reasons to do so. That's why if she calls you into her room unexpectedly, just know that something is up. We tend to be nervous around her because of her cold facial expressions. No one knows what's in her mind, whether she has complaint about you, whether she's satisfied with your job, whether she's happy or not. She always keeps a straight face" Coach Apon said

Tell me something I don't know. Her face had no smile or happiness when I saw her during the interview. I have never seen her again since that day. A part of me still wish I can see her again but they already told us that seeing the Boss is always occasionally. It's only those that work closely with her like the heads of each department and her secretary that see her often. Even her office cleaner doesn't see her often.

"Don't worry, just do what you need to do when you should do them and you won't have any problem with the boss. Using myself as an example, I have worked with her for over 4 years now. Coached some models under her. Even the ones we loaned to some magazines companies abroad. I must confess Boss is good at this. She makes money out of everything. You'll enjoy here only if you abide by her rules" he said smiling.

I smiled at him too trying to hide my nervousness. I thought him telling me about the boss will make me relax a bit but after hearing what he said I became more nervous. Is this what it feels like to work in a big organization? A heavy pay comes with heavy responsibilities/tasks. I sighed as I can't get my mind off what Coach Apon said.

How do I survive under her? I already have one strike and that's because I came late on the first day of work. As a result, I try my best now to always wake up very early and check in on time before I get another strike. My career just started to end like that.

I was in a big thought when someone shouted out of excitement. I turned to see and hear what she has to say..

"The company will be hosting a welcome party for the new employees tonight. Boss said the closing time today will be two hours early so that we all can go home and prepare for the party. The address and the pass card into the event hall will be shared before we go home. Wow I'm so happy" she screamed once again. She's the head of our department and have been with the boss for years.

The old staff here seem so happy about it and I wonder why. As if they know what's in my mind someone (a new employee) asked why they are all happy about it. They laughed at her ignorant and started explaining.

Each of them has their reasons. Some said it's because they can finally meet and mingle with other staff from different departments and branches, some said they have missed what it feels like to party and enjoy themselves without thinking of work, some said they can finally have the chance of getting acknowledged, the more you are acknowledged the higher the chances of getting promoted, while some said they can find their Juliets and Romeos while giving instances of married couples that met in the said company parties.

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