part 37

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I walked out of the guest room to see Mrs. Liz in the kitchen with Kim. She has this "what happened?" look on her face as she continues making breakfast for Kim.

"Why do you keep making Mrs. Liz cook for you every single time you come here. She's not your cook Kim" I said as I walk into the kitchen.

"Home made food is the best. You should always try it rather than ordering and eating out all the time." She said

Who said I don't know that. But Mrs Liz already has work to do, I don't want to add cooking to her job.

"You'll have to pay her for any food you make her prepare for you." I said and she hissed and started drinking her water.

"Mrs. Liz please I want the lock to my room changed. Don't forget to do that today"

"Yes Khun" her response.

"And the one to the main entrance" I said and Kim turned to me.

"Why will you do that?"

"Because you have the spares of course"

"Is it wrong to have them?"

"You shouldn't have them, it's not your house" I said getting water from the refrigerator.

"There's nothing wrong with that. I'm your fiancee for Christ sake"

There was Silence because I don't know what else to say. She's a year younger and she sometimes still acts like a child. Arguing with her is like arguing with a child besides I always lose. I looked at Mrs. Liz who's obviously so angry right now.

"Kindly do as I have said Mrs. Liz. I'll be leaving you now to prepare for work." I said and turned to go.

"Bill her for any food you have to prepare for her. You're not her chef" I added and walked to my room.

I got changed to my office attire and after a while I was ready to go to work. I asked mr. Aon to take me to work since I am too lazy to drive. On our way I got a call from Kate who said she'll be coming back to the country next week. Nam's baby will also be discharged from the hospital that same week. We will all go welcome my sunshine home. I can't wait.

I walked into my unit to see the Detective waiting for me. Maybe he's got some updates. I entered my office and after a while I sent for the Detective.

"Welcome Detective, you may have a seat" I said after shaking him. We both sat down.

"Is there any progress so far?" I asked

"Yeah. We were able to trace the exact CCTV that captured that clip. Here is the clearer version of that." He said dropping a drive on my desk. I plugged it in my computer and started playing it.

I zoomed in to the man I was curious to see. Jees that was Kiet! What is Kiet doing with them that night? So Kiet was with her? Why didn't he tell me that? he is the one Sandra was supposed to meet and scared to go with? Why didn't he say anything concerning this?

"This young man wore same outfit with the rapist that night. That is quite confusing...." He said.

"Did the doctor I told you about come to see you yet?" I asked.

"Not yet. I called him but he said he's been busy lately. He would come when he's free" he replied.

"That man in the clip is the doctor that was supposed to meet you"


"Yeah. We talked a lot about Sandra but what baffles me is why he never said something about meeting Sandra that night." I said getting confused.

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