part 42

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Gosh what should I do? Freen is walking towards us now. Will she start a fight again. I summoned every courage to walk to her, meeting her half way. I held her both arms to calm her down. But she intertwined our hands instead and walked to Nita.

"I clearly told you to stay away from Becky" she said.

"Freen please calm down, she just wants to talk." I said holding her arm to calm her down.

Dr. Kiet immediately came to meet us. He looks shocked to see Nita and I together.

"Nita why are you here?" He asked

"I should be asking you that. Why are you with Sarocha? Are you two close?" She asked.

I looked at Freen confusedly. Do they know each other? Freen doesn't look surprised. Maybe she knew before now.

"Miss Sarocha and I are friends..." He said

"We are not friends Dr. Kiet" Freen quickly cut him off.

"I can't be friends with you. Not after finding out that you and Nita have something to do with Sandra's death! Or maybe you killed her!" Freen blasted.

My jaw dropped when I heard that. Everywhere was dead quiet. Did I hear right? There's intensive confusion on everyone's face. Nita quickly removed her sunglasses to be sure that this is really happening, I guess she doesn't care about her looks now.

"Miss Sarocha you shouldn't keep saying things like that..." Kiet finally breaks the silence.

"Correct me if I'm wrong. The both of you saw Sandra that night. But Nita denied it and you? You didn't say anything about seeing her. So why can't I suspect you?" She said.

I held her more tighter. It's not nice to accuse people without any evidence. They may sue her for defamation.

"Freen stop it" I said calmly

"What?" She said turning to me now.

"You want to know why I asked you to stay away from Nita?" She said opening her eyes. She's clearly mad at me right now.

"Well, This is it. If you still wish to continue endangering your life, you can go ahead and do so" she said

"You have no idea what happened that night Miss Sarocha. It's not nice to conclude..." Kiet tried defending himself.

"You have the Detective's contact. You should talk to him instead" Freen said and walked out of the restaurant.

Freen is so angry with me right now. I didn't know this is why she doesn't want me close to Nita. I thought it's because she's jealous and insecure. I stood very confused on what next to do. I need to go after her. I attempted going after her but Nita grabbed me by the arm.

"Becky I still need to talk to you please" she said.

"Did you meet with Sandra that night?" I asked.

She was silent. Of course I know about Sandra. She was one of our top models, we were told about her during the training period and how it affected the company.

"Do you have a hand in her death?" I asked again.

"You know I'm not like that" she finally said

"Then why did you deny seeing her?" I asked curiously.

She was mute. Gosh this is getting me angry. What is she hiding? It's better I just leave if she won't talk to me. I was about to leave when she finally spoke.

"Sandra and I were in a relationship."

I stopped and turned to her. They were dating?

"We never really defined what we had. So I don't know if relationship is the right word. But we had something" She continued.

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