5: Troubles

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While waiting for his exam scores, Izuku used some of his newfound fortune to buy a new pair of his favorite shoes. While they made him stand out for having a second joint that identified a quirkless, they were very comfortable. His old ones were good for a while longer but not to last, especially for rigorous exercise in training on the UA campus. He got the usual sneer from the cashier when he made the purchase and looks from other customers when he left. He ignored them all after all lashing out wouldn't end well for him and his plan.

After leaving the shoe store in the mall, he made his way to his apartment with a book he picked up on the way. He thought about stopping at a hair parlor to get a haircut but he decided against it. His hair was long enough to put in a ponytail and he did when exercising. It didn't get in his way too much and he kinda liked the way it felt on his neck. He should cut it though, it was getting unruly.

A few days later, Izuku found a UA letter in the mailbox. He stared at it and quickly moved to the apartment and then to his room. He sat at his desk and opened it with anticipation. Papers fell out with a metal disk. He took the disk and pushed a button on the side.

"It is I! To-" Izuku clenched his fist and hit the button again. He had to set the disk down and force himself to calm down. He was just tempted to absorb any energy it had and melt it but refrained.

Why would the number one hero be announcing his test scores for UA? The only thing he could think of is his limit on being a hero. That would give the bastard an excuse to limit his time when he was heavily injured. That would mean he would be at UA and Izuku would have to interact with him at some point. He had hoped that with Bakugo gone, he wouldn't have to deal with any more people that he couldn't stand. With a long exhale, he picked up the device and pushed the button again.

"It is I! To give you your test score. Izuku Midoriya," All Might seemed to grit his teeth as he said his name, something to note for later. "You passed the written exam at the top of your class. For your practical, you have shown some very interesting abilities." He said the last part with emphasis and then looked off-screen at someone speaking to him. "You got 67 villain points and for heroic deed, you earned 85 more points, welcome to UA" He finished tersely, small videos showed Izuku helping others while taking the test, and the holograph shut off.

Izuku promptly grabbed the device, drained it, and melted it into a pile of slag. He set the paperweight on his desk and let out a sigh. Ignoring the number one hero, he had made it! He was in line to become a hero. He let out tears of joy as he internally celebrated his success. After all the grief and pain he endured, he was going to get a chance to live his dream. Wiping his tears away, he picked up the slip of papers and read them over. They were asking about his measurements and his design for a hero costume.

He wrinkled his nose at some of the hero costumes he designed before he met All Might. He shook his head at the thought of any of them. He grabbed his notebook and began to brainstorm on what he would want to need. Mobility would be ideal, armor would have little benefit with his kinetic absorption. He would need something that would be able to handle extreme temperatures and something that would let him release energy through his feet for propulsion. While running barefoot at the exam worked, it wasn't comfortable for long periods. He would need to have something that his quirk passed through. He remembered Hagakure at the exam and that she had a suit of some kind so she wouldn't be naked for her quirk to be effective.

He researched and found that a company used the person's hair to create clothes that worked with their quirk. He jotted the name down on the costume's design and outlined what he wanted. Now, to get the hair. Good thing he wanted to get a haircut.

The next day, Izuku found a hairdresser that could use her quirk to grow his hair out and cut it. It was perfect for his hero costume. He left with a bag of his hair and a lighter head. He kept his hair short but also enough to curl as he liked. With that, he sent everything to UA.

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