12: First Impressions

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Izuku put his notebook away in his bag and turned to Tooru who was waiting for him to head out of school. The festival was near and they wanted to get one more training session in before it started. The rest of his friends were just about to congregate when Uraraka opened the door to 1A and a mass of other students were blocking the way.

"What's the meaning of this!? Blocking the hallway is an incredibly dangerous fire hazard!" Iida lectured the mass of students.

Bakugo sneered at all of them and pushed his way through without saying a word. A purple-haired student began speaking about wanting to see the class that beat a horde of villains. "You don't seem so impressed, who was the one who took out the monster?" He looked around and caught Izuku's eyes. "I'm here to declare war and take one of your spots in your class, maybe your seat." He said to Izuku.

Izuku was happy to be an observer to the whole performance go on until he was dragged into the center stage. He tilted his head and began to analyze every detail of the boy who wanted to declare 'war' on him. Once he had enough information, he spoke. "You took the entrance exam for heroics but failed. Your quirk isn't combat or more likely, doesn't work on nonliving things." The boy's eyes widen ever so slightly. "Probably a mental quirk, of what degree. I don't know. You relied on your quirk to pass without even working on your body, yet you want to try to take my seat?"
Izuku always hated when people looked at him like he was nothing. Before, he couldn't do anything lest more injuries piled up on him. Now, he could defend himself properly.

Izuku waited for him to respond but the purple-haired boy had nothing to say in the quiet. Instead, he turned away from 1A and left. "Midoriya is the scariest one here. All agreed?"

Five ayes were heard and Izuku turned to Mina who had spoken first. Jirou, Sero, Kaminari, Mina, and Tooru all had their hands up. Izuku felt his ears turn hot from the situation he found himself in. He looked at the window as an escape option but shook the thought out of his head. The rest of the class was quiet as they watched the group. The students outside began to disburse when they saw the show was over. Izuku heard another voice saying something about 1B but he ignored it.

"Can you guys please stop?" His embarrassment was slowly dying down as the gang moved into the hallway to leave.

"You need more praise, take it!" Mina teased the greenest member of their group.

"From what I understand, you're definitely behind with all the praise and other things friends bring along." Jirou smirked at him. She had become part of their gang soon after Izuku told her about his quirk. The rest of the gang welcomed her with open arms.

"Alright, leave the boy be. But back to what you did back there. You could read people like that on the spot?" Sero asked.

"Yea! That was some Detective show stuff right there!" Kaminari added.

"He gave most of the information already, I just said it out loud. He wanted a seat in 1A, he probably failed the entrance exam. The reason to fail would be a lack of physical strength or a lack of a physical quirk. Mental quirks are unique but against a nonliving being, he had to resort on his body." He spouted out, his friends listened raptly to his impromptu lecture.

"He's the leader of the gang, right?" Jirou asked the rest of the group, and they all nodded.

"I'm not the leader!" Izuku protested, they were out of the gates of UA.

"All vote for the green bean of annihilation?" Mina said, five ayes.

They spend the day training in the woods. They lightly sparred with each other as the day went along. They stopped early and sat to chat until they had to go home. Izuku told them what to expect from the festival games. First round weeded out the competition to a manageable number, second round they made it into a team game. And last was always a tournament. They all came along with their quirks and new ways of using them. The time came and they all made their way to the train station and made their farewells. Tooru gave Izuku her obligatory hug and boarded the train.

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