37: Research

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Izuku walked back to the dorms with his mind in the clouds. He didn't pay any mind to anyone who gave him odd looks due to his void shroud that he forgot to turn off. He walked into the dorms and everyone went quiet at seeing a humanoid shape made of void. For Izuku's part, he didn't even notice as his thoughts were still on Mirio and where he got his quirk from.

Nezu all but confirmed it during their conversation not long ago. He was brought out of his thoughts by someone stepping in front of his path to his room. He saw it was Iida and he was in a combat stance. Izuku's lip curled slightly at the obnoxious boy.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Iida asked.

"What?" Izuku asked with a scowl at the boy. He looked down at himself and saw the void covering. "Oh." He dispelled it. "Forgot about that." He looked around to see the classmates in the common room relax their tense postures at seeing a stranger walk into the dorms. He waved as an apology for scaring them and moved to walk past Iida.

He stopped Izuku again. "What kind of sick joke was that?" Iida asked with distaste.

"Simple mistake," Izuku muttered absent-mindedly and walked past him with his mind going back to Mirio. He felt like there was a connection between Mirio and All Might through Sir Nighteye. But his thoughts were brought back to Iida as he stopped him again. He didn't hear what he said but it was something along the lines of his negligence of quirk use. He scowled again and used his quirk properly to silence the surrounding area around him and walked past Iida, ignoring his waving arms.

Izuku opened his room and sat down at his desk where his laptop was and he grabbed an empty notebook to begin his research. First, he went to watch Mirio's past Sports Festival from every year to truly get an understanding of his quirk. He already had an outline of Mirio's quirk and how he developed it but now he was looking at his history and who he associated with. Tamaki is one of his oldest friends from what Izuku gleamed with their time together under Fat Gum with Nejire joining the two at UA. All of them became close friends due to their supposedly weak quirks in their first year but after two more years, they grew to become the Big Three.

Mirio's internship began with Sir Nighteye in his first year and the hero mentored Mirio ever since. But the question is why would Sir invite Mirio as an intern if Sir's way of doing things was meticulously and with long planning while Mirio was more headstrong? Granted, Mirio has learned more of Sir's way of doing things but he isn't an investigator like Sir is.

Izuku stopped writing and leaned back in his chair with a sigh. He was startled when he felt a kiss on his cheek and turned around to see Tooru and the rest of his friends in his room. His sound absorption stopped and he looked at them with surprise. Mina and Tooru were on Izuku's bed with Tooru seated against the headboard while Mina was lying face down reading a manga. Denki and Hanta had brought bean bag chairs and were reading comic books or had manga in hand. They looked around when the sound worked again.

"What are you guys doing in here?" Izuku asked still startled from seeing them where he thought he was alone.

"You looked kinda mad back there and we came up here to check on you but you were lost in the sauce. So we let you be and hung out here." Hanta said first.

"Yeah, Mina over here brought the Manga but it's all trashy romcoms," Denki complained.

"If you don't like it then give it back!"

Denki batted her hand away and rolled away to keep reading. "I'm not done yet!"

"So, what's got you riled up?" Tooru asked her boyfriend.

Izuku smiled at all of them and waved their concerns away. "Just doing some profiling like Mina likes to call it. There's... a connection between Mirio and All Might but I don't see it."

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