40: Eri

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Izuku and Aizawa got out of the car and began to walk to the entrance of the hospital where Eri had been staying for the past month. The two didn't speak the whole time from leaving the school to arriving at the hospital and Izuku was happy to keep it that way.

It didn't take long to make their way to her room. They found Eri finishing dressing with the help of an old nurse with a kind smile. Her eyes lit up at seeing Izuku but became wary at seeing Aizawa's disheveled appearance. Izuku smirked at that and waited for her to finish up.

"Ready to go?" The nurse asked with a gentle smile once she finished.

Eri nodded at the nurse and turned to Izuku. He smiled down at her and asked. "Got everything?"

She was about to nod again but stopped and shook her head and pointed at Izuku's jacket that still was hung up where he had left it. "Your jacket."

"Of course!" Izuku laughed a bit and took his jacket for the coat stand, he slipped it on and held out a hand to Eri. "Now, we're ready."

Eri took his hand and they headed down to the waiting car. The little girl looked around at the new environment but stuck close to Izuku and clung to his hand tightly. He smiled reassuringly down to her and helped her get into the car's back seat. He sat beside her as Aizawa started up the car and began to make his way back to the school.

"Where are we going?" Eri asked in a soft voice.

"We are going to go to a school where he works." He pointed at Aizawa. "And where I go to learn how to be a hero." He explained.

"Is that where I'll stay?"

"Yep! You'll have a room next to his and I'll live in the same building as you. The rest of my class is staying there too."

"Your friends that came with you?" She asked with just a bit of eagerness slipping through.

"That's right, we'll all be nearby." Izuku smiled at the emotion that she showed.

"Is everyone in your class nice like them?"

Izuku's smile didn't slip but he paused for a second. "None of them will ever hurt you, I promise." He patted her head.

"Okay." Eri thought up another question. "What will I do?" She looked up at him in question.

Izuku hummed in thought. "Lots of things. You will go to school and learn about things like reading, writing, math, and other stuff. You can learn a hobby like drawing or anything you like. And later we'll teach you how to use your quirk."

Eri showed fear in the last part of Izuku's explanation. "But it's dangerous and bad."

Izuku stroked her hair gently to calm her down like he had done many times before while visiting her at the hospital. "There is no such thing as bad quirks only people who use them for bad things and you are not bad." He made sure she heard his words and continued when he saw her listening. "Think of a person with a quirk that made them super strong. That person could help another person lift something heavy so they could get to safety or the same person could use it to hurt people."

Eri listened attentively to his words and relaxed under his hands brushing her hair. She stiffened at his next words.

"Overhaul is an evil man who did evil things and I'm glad he will never hurt anyone again. But his quirk could have helped so many people. The quirk is not bad, only the person. And I'll help you learn how to use your quirk so you'll never have to worry about it again." He smiled gently down at her and put his hand over her shoulder to pull her in for a hug.

She nodded tentatively and they rode back to school in a comfortable silence. It wasn't long before they drove through the security gate and stopped inside the UA walls. Eri looked around at the big building they stopped at and then at Izuku who was smiling down at her curiosity.

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