39: Secrets and Talks

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For the rest of the week, Izuku played around with his newest energy, and boy did he have fun floating around. Of course, his friends joined in floating around with him when he told them about the primal energy he had gained. He practiced using gravitational energy to fly to some degree. He absorbed the energy around his body and used small kinetic blasts to move him around like pressurized gas in space. It did take him many trials and errors to figure out the mechanics of it but he was on his way to being able to fly.

When he wasn't practicing with the new energy, he visited Eri. The next time he did so, he brought his friends like he told her he would. He invited Uraraka and Tsuyu as well since they were part of the raid and were eager to meet the girl. Eri was very shy in the beginning but slowly calmed down at their easy personalities. Tsuyu was very drawn to the girl since she was the same age as her sister. They hung around her when they got the chance and she grew more relaxed around them as time passed. Eri was still most comfortable around Izuku when people were around. She began to regain her health bit by bit every time Izuku visited her.

Back at the school, Izuku was trying to use gravitational energy to stop clones of Ectoplasm by sending them crashing into the ground with controlled bursts of increased gravity. It wasn't precise like his lightning or fire beam and was more like a ray that increased gravity where he aimed. It was extremely effective in downing anyone that got near him and a great nonlethal attack.

He was taking a break when Denki approached him with a grin. "Hey Izuku. I've got an idea."

Izuku stopped drinking his water to eye his friend with suspicion. "What?"

"Have you ever seen any old animes?"

"Not really. Why?"

"Well, in some, there is a training method that they use by working out in a high-gravity area. I was just wondering..."

Izuku paused, unsure. "Denki, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Oh come on! We'll start slow and I'll walk into the range." Denki looked excitedly and motioned him to stand.

"What are you two doing?" Sato asked.

"Something stupid and dangerous, probably," Izuku said.

"I'll be fine! Izuku can increase the gravity and-"

"I'm in." Sato cut him off with a serious face.

Izuku shook his head at the two and sighed in resignation. He scorched the ground in a cone shape with the narrow where he stood and then increased the gravity in front of him by a small degree. "Go ahead." He waved in front of him.

The two grinned like idiots and stepped inside the cone. They buckled slightly but stood straight after a second. They moved around to get used to the increased gravity and then grinned at Izuku. "More!" The two shouted in unison.

Izuku pursed his lips but obliged by increasing the energy output. The two stained to keep upright but they slowly did so. Denki activated his quirk and strengthened his body with electricity and Sato brought a bag of sugar to his mouth slowly as he fought against the increased difficulty. When they were done with their preparation, they tried to spar but it was at a quarter-movement speed at most. Soon, more of his classmates joined in to watch the two try to spar but they were more interested as to see why they were so sluggish.

Denki was sweating buckets as he gave up his fight against Sato and made his way to exit the increased gravity. When he did, he stumbled out and took in a breath. "That was intense!" He gasped out.

Sato followed him and fell to his knees next to him. "I feel like I benched, squatted, and curled a truck!"

"What's with them?" Tooru came up to Izuku.

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