34: Eri

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Eri held tightly to Izuku as he walked into the hospital to have her looked over. Once she realized where they were going and who would be there, she began to sob.

Izuku stopped walking and knelt in front of her with worry filling his face. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want to see doctors, they hurt me." She sobbed and began to back away.

"The doctors you've met aren't doctors. They are supposed to help and heal you not hurt you. And if they ever try to hurt you, I'll stop them. How about that?"

Eri looked unsure as she peeked behind him to see further into the hospital but then her eyes turned to his softly smiling face. "You promise?"

"I do, promise." He said beaming at her. He held his arms out to pick her up and she settled into them immediately.

They caught up with the nurse that was escorting them to a room and continued their path to it. After a bit of walking, they stopped in front of a room and the nurse opened the door for them. Izuku walked in carrying Eri and sat her down on the bed while he pulled up a chair close to her. Eri looked around the room with wariness, seeing this, Izuku offered his hand for her to hold and she did so instantly.

Izuku stayed at her side the whole time as a few doctors came in to examine her for anything they could help with and heal. She began to get anxious at the doctor looking her over and Izuku noticed her horn begin to glow softly. He raised his hand to stop the doctors from continuing and interposed himself to have Eri just see him. He began to absorb the wisps of energy that leaked off her horn and held her to his chest.

"It's already, they aren't hurting you. If they did, I would make them disappear. You're safe." He continued to say as her breathing calmed down and her horn stopped glowing. "Maybe it would be for the best for one doctor at a time?" He looked over his shoulder at the three that were looking her over.

The three looked at each other and nodded. "That probably would be for the best." The one on the right said and stayed as the other two left.

Izuku stayed with Eri on the bed as the doctor who stayed looked her over and cleaned her up. They replaced the bandages on her limbs and got her a new gown that wasn't stained. Eri had her face in Izuku's chest as they removed the bandages and he stroked her hair to distract her. Soon the doctor was done and Eri lay under the bed sheets and was dozing off. Izuku had gotten off the bed and was in her line of sight.

"Izuku?" Eri asked.

He turned to her. "Yea, Eri?"

"What's going to happen to me?" She pulled the sheets closer to her face and asked tentatively.

Izuku paused and thought about it. "I'm not entirely sure, but I will make sure you go to a good place."

She was quiet for a long moment. "Can't I stay with you?" She asked hopefully.

Izuku froze and thought about the logistics of doing such a thing as taking care of a young child while at school. "I'm not sure. But I will try and ask." He did think of the benefits of Eri staying with him due to her quirk and her attachment to Izuku. He could safely teach her how to control her quirk and with the benefit that she trusts him. He had to admit, he was beginning to grow attached to her as well.

Eri nodded and slowly drifted off to sleep. Izuku stayed in his chair with his jacket hanging to the side. He pulled his phone out and messaged his friends about the situation and his condition. They sent a barrage of texts back and he answered them all.

He sat there in the room with Eri asleep thinking about Eri's request. He was unsure of watching over a child her age and being responsible for her but he was sure he could help with her quirk. After all, he had studied quirks for all of his life, and he even her energy in his core to experiment safely before she tried something.

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