29: Competition

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Class 1A got off the bus in front of the large building with many other students from other schools doing the same. They grouped up as Izuku watched everyone else from the other schools to gauge their capabilities. It was somewhat difficult but quirks affected the person's personality frequently enough to use it as a way to guess their quirks. Granted it's not perfect but it's a good way to get started on his possible opponents. One thing he noticed from just about every school was that they all eyed UA more than the others.

"People watching?" Tooru came up to his side.

"Something like that." He murmured.

"Ah, you're trying to tear them apart." Tooru realized. Izuku looked over at her and gave her a warm smile. She beamed back. "Am I right or am I right?"

Izuku chuckled and nodded. "I was trying to guess their quirks and see where they stood. Since they don't have something similar like the Sports Festival it's hard to tell..." He trailed off and hummed.

"What?" Tooru poked at his cheek. He swatted her hand away with a smile.

He motioned her to follow and went to Yayoruzo. "They know our quirks and some of our abilities." He nodded to the other schools.

"What? What do you mean?" Yayoruzo was thrown off by the usually standoffish boy suddenly talking to her and initiating a dialog.

"What would you do if your possible opponents' quirks were put on live TV for everyone to see?" He posed the question to her.

"I would watch, memorize, and develop counters to the ones I could counter." She answered and shook her head in confusion. She looked at where the powerful boy looked and cursed softly in realization. "The Sports Festival."

"Wait, everyone knows our quirks? That's bogus!" Denki moaned.

The rest of the class heard the conversation and also complained about it. Aizawa sauntered up and heard them. "Good, you all realized what it means to be put in the public eye."

"It would have been nice to know ahead of time." Mina crossed her arms at him.

"You all will have to learn on your own."

"Yea, too bad we don't go to school to learn these kinds of stuff," Izuku said sarcastically.

Aizawa shot a glare at the boy but was cut off from shooting back by a voice he didn't want to hear. "Yo! Eraserhead! Let's get married." A foam green-haired hero threw her arm around the tired man.

"Didn't your profile on him say that he was already married?" Mina asked Izuku.

Both heroes' attention was snapped to what the pink girl said. Aizawa's eyes turned to the green-haired boy. "Profile?" He questioned.

"You're not special, I have one on everyone." Izuku shrugged and turned to the large mass of thermal energy walking up to them.

"You're an odd one, aren't you?" Miss Joke tried to lighten the tense mood between the student and the teacher. She of course knew of the winner of the Sports Festival and his overwhelming power and his humiliation of the second place winner. "I came to introduce my class from Ketsubutsu Academy."

"Hello! Nice to meet you all, I'm Yo Shindo." He reached for a handshake and Izuku stared at it.

He took the hand and shook it. "Midoriya." He said simply. "I'm sure you already knew that."

"Self-centered one, huh?" Miss Joke elbowed Eraserhead but he was watching the interaction carefully which caused her some trepidation. "He's not, uh, dangerous is he?"

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