43: Festival

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"Why do you want to scare people?" Eri asked looking up at Izuku.

"It's part of the fun of a School Festival. Every class chooses something different to do like cooking or making a play. We chose to do a haunted house and the theme was Japanese folklore horror, it's harmless fun." Izuku said smiling down at her and patted her head.

Eri had become close to Izuku as she stayed at UA and learned to control her quirk. It was very rare now if Eri lost control of her quirk and needed Aizawa or Izuku nearby to make sure nothing went wrong. It's been over a month since that happened and Eri has gained good control of it.

When she first arrived at UA, she had been nervous and it made sense to Izuku. For so long she had been used as a source and experiment by the worst kind of villains. To suddenly being in a safe environment with people treating her like she should have, it's a big change for her. Before she was skittish and afraid to make anyone upset lest they punish her like back with Overhaul but now she openly asks questions and isn't afraid of being curious. While she was comfortable with almost everyone in 1A, she was most comfortable with Izuku's gang and Izuku himself.

"What's Japanese folklore?" Eri tilted her head to the side in question.

Izuku hummed in the thought of how best to explain. "Back before quirks came, people believed that there were supernatural things like spirits or ghosts and there might have been. People began to name these spirits that multiple people saw. Some were scary and some were nice." Izuku shrugged. "There's not much of that anymore with quirks being around but there are superstitious people, that means people who believe in the supernatural." He finished his explanation and looked down to see if Eri understood some of what he had said.

Eri made an O with her mouth and nodded in understanding. "Are ghosts and spirits real?" She looked around as if she could see one if she looked hard enough.

Izuku hummed in thought. "I like to think there are some things most people can't see. Seems more fun like that than just people with quirks messing around." He said smiling. "But who knows?"

The two made their way inside the building they were given for the haunted house and saw Izuku's classmates finishing up the last details of the tunnel and the rooms that people would have to traverse to get to the other tunnel. The small rooms they built had fake trees and bushes that they needed to move around to densely packed fake spiderwebs Yayoruzo created. The lights were on so the path didn't seem too bad but with Izuku's help and the lights off, it would be pitch black. They had that saved for one room where the room was a small maze and they had to find their way through touch. Not even the brightest light would help in that lost section Izuku was in charge of.

"What do you think?" Denki asked from above the two walking the path. He was with some others finishing the lighting for the path before the next day when the Festival began.

"Pretty good but I've never been in one of these so." Izuku shrugged. Eri nodded along and shrugged with him.

Denki smirked at the two in amusement. "We need to get you out more." He said to Izuku. He turned back when someone called his name to help with some wiring and waved at the two as he got back to work. "Later!"

Izuku showed Eri the section he would be in charge of. It was a small maze with traditional Japanese walls. Chains dangled from the ceiling and scattered bones lay on the ground that clattered when they shifted. The bones were made of wood but the sound they made was perfect as Mina put it.

"Hey, you guys!" Mina turned from hanging some more chains on the ceiling.

Yayoruzo looked at the chains with some worry. "I think that's too many. I'm not sure if the ceiling would hold and God forbid someone pulled on them." She bit at her nail and looked around for a solution.

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