28: Peace

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Izuku began packing his meager belongings. He didn't have much that fit into three cardboard boxes. He would have to buy more things for the new dorms. Like the shoes, he exploded in the rush to save Kota and Tooru. With an annoyed sigh, he put on the old pair of shoes he had and went out to buy a new pair.

A few days later, Izuku walked through the gates of the school and stood in front of the new dorms. Most of his classmates were already there and waiting. Tooru skipped over to him and latched onto his arm. She gave him a beaming smile and Izuku returned it.

"You would never believe how much I had to argue for my parents to let me stay at UA." She began and led Izuku to their gang of friends.

"Makes sense, if I had a kid coming here. I would have pulled them out." Izuku argued. "But I'm glad you succeeded in talking them in."

"What's this about a kid? Tooru! Before wedlock! For shame." Mina teased.

Izuku reddened at the idea but didn't push away the thought of having a child with Tooru. He reddened even more at the realization.

"Ha! He looks like a strawberry!" Denki laughed. "I'm sure Tooru is just as bad but she's cheating with her quirk." Denki turned to the invisible girl and was blinded by a bright light. "My eyes!"

"Ha!" Hanta laughed and pointed.

Kyouka shook her head at all of them. "I swear we are going to end up killing one another. Denki will be first of course."

The chatter died down and Izuku turned to see why. Bakugo and Aizawa walked to the group together. Bakugo looked calm but the tension in his shoulder showed otherwise. The class was visibly unsure of what to think of their classmate and the two noticed. Aizawa stopped and scanned them.

"Everyone is here, good. Let's get the tour over with already." Aizawa walked ahead and through the doors.

Izuku saw Kirishima try to make conversation with Bakugo but it was forced on the redhead's end. The rest of the class was never close to Bakugo and what Izuku told them about him made it worse. Currently, Bakugo and Kirishima were separated from everyone and Kirishima seems to be losing his ambition to stay close to the bomber.

The tour wasn't very exciting but it was new for everyone to see. Soon, Aizawa left and everyone went to their rooms to get settled in. Izuku was done in a couple of hours and headed down to eat. He was slightly uncomfortable sharing space with others since Izuku had been alone for over five years at least. He found bread, sandwich meat, and cheese. With that, he settled in for his meal. Some of his classmates had the same idea and began to scout out the kitchen for food.

"Ah, Midoriya? Could I grab the bread from you?" Uraraka asked with a small smile.

Izuku nodded and slid the bread over to her. He absent-mindedly watched her make a peanut and jelly sandwich with little of each. "You ever try adding honey to it?" Izuku tried to coverse.

Uraraka gave a bright smile. "Mom sometimes made it like that, but..." She trailed off.

"Honey is expensive." Izuku nodded. He recalled trying it once and loving it but the budget for extra things like that was scarce."

Uraraka looked up at that and nodded. "Your family was tight on money too?" She went back to her sandwich.

"Something like that." Izuku shrugged noncommittally. He got up to walk away and wander around when she called out.

"Um, Midoriya. I just wanted to let you know that I don't care that you were quirkless. I...yea." She finished sheepishly.

Izuku turned around to see the honesty and that warmed his chest. "Thanks, Uraraka. That means a lot to me." He gave her a grateful smile.

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