17: Thermal

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Power Loader scanned Izuku up and down to make sure he didn't leak any nuclear energy. He drew some blood and tested it but nothing came from the results. "Looks like you're clear. Let me know if you have any issues."

Izuku furrowed his brow in slight anger. "Yes, I'll let you know if your student gave me poisoning of some kind." While he was glad he had another energy to play with, he didn't like the risk of exposure to cancerous materials. Granted, he is practically immune to it but before, not so much.

Izuku headed out of the room and to the gates of the school. He looked at his phone and read the messages from his friends. They all split to head to their homes and would see him tomorrow. He smiled at the cutesy emoji Tooru sent him at the end. He didn't have any plans for the day so he got to the apartment and saw he had a package for himself. It was his quirk clothes, he tore the box open and checked his new clothes out. It was two sets of clothes. Shorts, shirts, and one pair of thin shoes, he kept with the black color.

He put them on and headed out to experiment with the newest energy in his core. He wasn't exactly sure what nuclear energy could do but he will have to be careful with how much he uses. While the isotope contained a large amount of energy, it would be harder to obtain than any other.

He sat at the clearing and focused on the nuclear energy. He looked around and felt none, it was to be expected. Next, he released a small amount on some leaves. Both to see the effect of nuclear energy on living matter and to see how the energy moves. The leaves didn't move but the green color drained slightly. As for the energy itself, it was erratic, more so than electricity. Electricity wanted to go anywhere with the lowest negative charge or the path of least resistance. Nuclear energy shot out in any direction it could as the light energy did. While his release was focused, the edges leaked energy. He absorbed the lingering energy and hummed to himself in thought. Using pure nuclear energy offensively would be bad. But maybe combining it with another might show some results, the safest ones first.

Light, sound, kinetic, and electricity didn't combine well. Lighting was the only one to show a difference with the electricity changing color to a blueish hue. The burn marks on the tree didn't show any difference and he didn't have instruments to measure its power.

Thermal on the other hand showed incredible results. The basic flames mixed with the nuclear energy and burned hotter than would be safe. It wasn't normal flames anymore but a nuclear fire. He shot it at a tree and the air screamed as it boiled. It was closer to a laser beam as the part of the trunk was turned to ash in a moment. The tree fell and Izuku absorbed the flames that lingered on the trunk. He got more thermal energy than he released just from those flames alone. The ambient thermal energy also was high from the released energy.

"Super lethal, noted," Izuku said to himself. He looked at the fell tree and shrugged. "More energy couldn't hurt." It turned to ash the next minute.

The rest of the week passed without much to speak about. Everyone handed in their internship paperwork and the class met up at the train station to split off. 1A all had their suitcases as Aizawa spoke.

"Don't cause trouble, now begone." He left with that.

Izuku's gang said their goodbyes and Tooru gave him a hug that lingered longer than usual. The rest gang elbowed each other with smirks.

"I'll see you later, Izuku." She smiled at him and headed to her train.

Izuku followed Todoroki to another train and boarded it. He sat across from him and put his headphones on. The elemental boy didn't try to speak to Izuku as they rode I'm silence. He wondered how his time in the number two hero's agency will go. He is aware of the multiple heroes and sidekicks Endeavor employed and Izuku was excited to see if he could absorb any new energies he came across.

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