13: Tournament

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Everyone charged at Izuku's team and theirs charged back. Izuku released a large amount of light energy into Tooru and she redirected it and blinded almost everyone who was looking straight at the band on her head. There were many curses as Izuku's team didn't stop their charge. Once in the middle of the blinded teams, Izuku and Kaminari released a spray of electricity in every direction.

Pure chaos reined with their aggressive move, quirks fired in every direction and people were confused at what had happened. But Izuku's plan didn't stop there as a black void encompasses everyone in the near area. Izuku detached from his team and rushed to Todoroki's confused team. He launched himself at the split-haired teen and ripped off his band. He felt heat bloom from his side and Izuku absorbed it before it could hurt him. Then he rushed to Bakugo's team and did the same, only leaving the one million band at their feet. Bakugo, in his fashion, was throwing explosions everywhere but did nothing to Izuku.

Just to add to the chaos, he absorbed the sound and everyone went deaf and mute for the time it took Izuku to rejoin his team to the side. He stopped his quirk and everything went back to normal, it was deafening compared to the absolute silence a moment ago.

"What the hell just happened!?" Present Mic shouted.

"How would I know, I saw the same thing you did." Aizawa drawled out lazily, but his eyes were laser-focused on the field at what just happened.

"Did you get it!?" Kaminari asked excitedly.

"Of course he did! His plan worked out perfectly!" Tooru shouted as she tied the new headbands on her head.

"Midoriya, you're one scary smart guy. I'm glad we're friends." Sero added with a smile.

"Thanks, but we need to focus. It's been only a few minutes." Izuku blushed under their praise.

He was right as every team tried to reorganize and find the one million prize. A team filled with 1B students spotted them and charged.

"One million spotted! Wait! Where is the one mil?!" They screeched to a halt and Izuku was more than glad to point at the confused blond.

Bakugo was with his team of Kirishima, Sato, and Koji as the redhead grabbed the band left in front of them and presented it to the blond bomber. He grabbed the band in confusion and then his eyes zeroed in on Izuku's pointing finger aimed right at him. Immediately everyone targeted Bakugo, and Todoroki's team was no different. The son of the number two hero was slightly distracted as they charged at Bakugo's fleeing team.

Izuku smiled with joy as his plan worked out perfectly. They didn't need to be in first place to get to the next event, this was much easier. It was a bonus that it was Bakugo who was behind mobbed by every other team.

"Okay! Now what?" Kaminari asked as they watched the chaos.

"We play defensive and wait, if we get a chance let's grab a band." Izuku scanned for anyone who was trying to get near them.

They kept moving around as time ticked down and the purple-haired boy's team got Izuku's attention. He was the rider as blank-faced Aoyama, Ojiro, and. 1B student carried him. They got close to another team and spoke briefly before the other team handed over their band. They sped away quickly after that and the stolen rider was confused at what happened.

"Hey guys, make sure not to talk to that guy. I think his quirk is based on speech or something similar." Izuku pointed Shinso out.

"Got it, boss." Sero nodded without asking.

"Boss?" Tooru asked.

"I told you, we are a yakuza gang. He is the boss and we are his lieutenants. All we need is tats." Sero explained. "I want a big old Chinese dragon on my back."

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