35: Energies

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"You promise you will come back?" Eri asked with tears cropping her eyes.

"I will, but I'm sorry I have to go so soon. I have school and they aren't letting me stay. I will be back to visit until the hospital decides to let you leave too." Izuku said while looking her in the eye to reassure her. He thought for a moment and then he took off his jacket and placed it next to her. "Hold on to this for me. After all, one way to make sure I come back is to come back for my jacket." He finished with a smile.

Eri took the jacket in her small hands. She looked up and nodded with more reassurance. "Okay."

With that, Izuku patted her head gently and turned to leave out the door. It was the next day after the raid, Izuku had stayed the night in Eri's room like he had stayed in Tooru's room when she recovered. The girl had a few nightmares during the night and one quirk outburst that Izuju had taken care of easily. When Eri realized that she wasn't in Overhaul's lab anymore, she calmed down. Eraserhead came in before the sun had set to see Eri and his student. The two had spoken while the little girl had looked warily at the unshaven man. Izuku told her he was a hero and she calmed down but she still stared at the underground hero.

The two spoke about what Izuku wanted with Eri and what Nezu thought about it. They were already thinking of taking Eri to UA before Izuku asked Fat Gum for his favor. Aizawa explained what they had planned and how he was going to be her main caretaker for the fact that he could erase her quirk. They added Izuku into the plan when Fat Gum spoke to Nezu about his favor. Nezu decided it would be an added benefit to Eri's mental health to keep Izuku near her while she reined in her quirk. It was even more beneficial when Izuku told them about him being able to absorb her quirk energy to negate it just as easily as Eraserhead. They still haven't told Eri about what was the plan going forward.

Izuku traveled to the dorms with Tsuyu and Uraraka after they had been released the same morning. The two girls asked about Eri and how she was doing on the train ride. He told them readily about her well-being. Izuku had grown to trust the two over the school year with Tsuyu's blunt nature and Uraraka's earnest behavior. The friction between Izuku and Iida didn't affect her attitude towards Izuku which he appreciated.

When the three walked through the dorm's front doors, they were immediately greeted by the class who was in the common room. Izuku was mobbed by Tooru and the others in the gang of friends.

"Great to see you again!" Denki said with a beaming smile.

"Tooru over here was checking her phone every five minutes, so much she missed you." Mina teased with a giggle as she looked him over.

Tooru ignored her in favor of burying her face in Izuku's chest while her arms were wrapped around him tightly. Izuku automatically did the same to her.

The group moved to the common room. Izuku sat in the middle of them all as they waited for him to talk about what was going on. He did so and told them about how the raid went and the outcome. He told them about Eri and what he wanted for her. All of them realized quickly why he became attached to the child when they looked at their similarities. Izuku was abandoned because of his lack of a quirk and Eri was abandoned because of her quirk. A quirk that he could help her with by the sounds of it. None of them brought up their thoughts but listened attentively to him. He finished with a sigh after telling them why he stayed the night at the hospital.

Denki was the one to speak first. "That really sucks." He said with a sigh.

The others nodded along. "Can we see her? Next time you go to visit?" Tooru asked.

Izuku hummed in contemplating. "I'm not sure that's a good idea right now. It might be overwhelming to meet new people so soon after what happened."

Tooru nodded dejectedly. "That makes sense."

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