6: Trials

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The class chatted excitedly as they waited for their teacher for hero class. Izuku looked around and they all had the same enthusiasm for the upcoming lesson. Izuku was also giddy and couldn't hide his anticipation. The feeling died when the number one hero slammed the door open. Izuku's face went emotionless as the class erupted in a cacophony of noise. He stared at All Might as he strolled into class with a swagger. The hero gave his first class a show, his smile became forced when he met the cold eyes of Izuku Midoriya. He returned the gaze as the cheering calmed down.

Bakugo hid his emotions well but his excitement leaked through. He glanced around and saw everyone sharing the same feeling except for the split-haired boy, which he expected. What came as a surprise was the green-haired boy's reaction. He didn't look happy, he didn't look excited, he looked angry to see the number one hero. The look in his eyes was the same one he gave to Bakugo when they saw each other.

"If we will be having hero class, then you will need to look the part! Meet me in gym D!" With that the hero gave one more glance to Izuku and left in a hurry.

Everyone scrambled to grab their costume suitcase and run out the door. "Where is gym D!" Kaminari shouted in desperation before following the flow of classmates.

Izuku waited and grabbed his suit when it was clear. Bakugo grabbed his suit at the same time. Izuku ignored him and left. "You think yourself all high and might now with a quirk?" Bakugo sneered.

Izuku didn't turn but shot back. "You think you deserve to be here?" He didn't wait for a response and left for the locker room.

Everyone was looking over their suits as they changed into them. Izuku took note of each of them and went to change himself. His suit was made up of a tight tank top with a heavy leather jacket over it. The brown leather bomber jacket wasn't anything special but did have a Kevlar layer under the leather. The tank top was made by the special company that made Hagakure's suit. He tested the material by releasing some thermal energy with his hand covered by the fabric, it flowed right past it like it wasn't there. He had a pair of shorts that were made of the same material with a pair of thin shoes to match. He had a pair of combat pants to go over the shorts so it wouldn't look like he was in his underwear. The last parts were his equipment, he asked for a gas mask to cover his lower face and a bag of projectiles. He asked for a bag filled with ball bearings and rubber balls for him to launch with his kinetic blast. He would need to find the right output so he didn't launch the bearings like buckshot but that comes later. The last is a knife in his lower back, he had many options for his quirk but he didn't have anything that could cut something cleanly.

Izuku left the locker room and met up with the rest of the class at the end of the corridor. The class had a variety of colors and suits with them. Not many had equipment except for pouches. He felt somewhat uncomfortable with some of the girl's skintight outfits and Yayoruzo even more so.

Jirou walked up to Izuku. "Punk suit, even nicer jacket. I have one of these at home and they are very nice for the winter. Jirou Kyoka, you Midoriya right?"

Izuku nodded and slipped his gas mask down. "I'm pretty happy with it, it's even lined with Kevlar." He wanted to be comfortable in his suit.

"Damn that's a good idea, Imma steal that idea. Won't it get hot in that though?" Jirou felt the sleeve of the jacket and Izuku forced himself not to pull back. He felt like Jirou was alright.

Izuku absorbed some of the thermal energy in the close area and it cooled. "My quirk helps with the heat."

"That's rad!" Jirou smiled.

"Midoriya you look awesome, it fits you nicely." Hagakure strolled up to Izuku in her body suit with boots and gloves that were visible.

"I can't believe your naked." Jirou looked away for her with red cheeks.

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