45: Rest with Friends

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"I suppose we should head back to the dorms," Mina said getting up from the bench next to Eri who was sipping on her juice box.

Kyouka nodded. "The rest of the festival is canceled. That blows, I wanted to see what there was other than food." She sighed in disappointment.

Hanta and Denki looked at each other and after a brief conversation with nods and shaking their heads, they sprinted off to where the food stands were. The rest of the gang just watched in confusion as the crowds began to leave the school grounds. The gang looked at each other and shrugged. They didn't have to wait long before the two were running back with their arms full of all kinds of food from the stalls they no doubt had taken it from. They both had broad smiles as they closed with their friends.

"I don't know about you g-" He was cut off by another louder voice from where they had come from. "Who took all the food!?"

Denki's eyes widened just as Hanta said. "Run for it!"

The two took off with Mina cackling while running behind them. Kyouka looked around frantically before deciding to follow her friends. Tooru laughed out loud and tugged Izuku to run with them. Izuku didn't hesitate to pick up Eri in his arms and began to run with his girlfriend, laughing the whole while.

Eri was nestled in Izuku's arms as he ran. Her braided hair flapped about with the wind and she watched as the scenery passed by in a blur. For the first time in a long time, she giggled and then laughed with the people who made her feel safe. She smiled for the first time in a long time. Izuku looked down at his arms where Eri was sitting up and laughing. The absorber joined her in joy at hearing her and seeing her smile. The rest of the gang heard and looked in their direction, it didn't take much for them to join in. The seven of them sprinted across the grass field to the dorms all the while laughing like maniacs.

Back in Izuku's room, the gang was seated around a small pile of food Denki and Hanta had stolen from the stands. "Now, I'm not saying this is bad but it could be better. It's missing something, salt maybe?" Mina said with her mouthful of a meat and vegetable skewer.

Izuku was eating one with mushrooms and had to agree with Mina. "There's no spices to it! They just tossed them on the grill from the packaging." He still took another bite.

"I like the squid," Eri said, finishing another fried squid.

Denki nodded emphatically. "Squid had always been my favorite."

"I don't know what this is, but it's great!" Hanta showed a fried something held by chopsticks.

"That's tokbokii! I wonder who made them? They're a South Korean food. I had them once with my parents." Tooru exclaimed at the foreign food. "It's like some spicy fried rice cakes." She said by explanation.

"I don't know how you all can keep eating, I'm stuffed." Kyouka leaned back on Izuku's bed with a sigh.

"Perseverance!" Mina said and grabbed another bland mean skewer.

Eri yawned at that moment and leaned against Izuku's side. He smiled down at her and got a pillow that Kyouka passed him for her. She took it and laid down next to him with another yawn.

"You're such a dad." Denki snorted a laugh after Izuku finished helping Eri lay down.

Izuku blushed and shook his head. "That isn't my intention!" He said while absorbing the sound around Eri so as not to disturb her nap. "I just wanted to mentor her, I guess. I didn't want to see her get thrown into the foster system and with her quirk, it would have ended badly." He explained.

"Just joking, we know how it is." Denki waved to calm his friend down.

Tooru was about to speak when there was a knock on Izuku's door. Everyone looked at each other and Hanta got up to open it since he was the closest. "Midoriya residents," Hanta said opening the door.

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