16: Image

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The gang exited the UA gates and made their way to the nearest fast-food restaurant. "I think some Mcdonald's is good. What do you all think?" Mina asked the group.

"That sounds good to me, I haven't had Micky D's in a while." Jirou pulled her phone out and began to type. "That reminds me to tell Mom and Dad I'm going out."

"That's a good point." Sero did the same and the rest of them followed suit.

Tooru was the first to notice that Izuku didn't pull his phone out like the rest did. Her face creased in concern. Mina was quick with her phone and glanced around and saw the same thing. She furrowed her brows and asked. "You're not gonna tell your parents?"

The gang looked over to see who Mina was talking to. "It's fine." Izuku shrugged noncommittally.

The gang made various faces of concern at their leader but no one pushed the subject. They walked through the door of the restaurant and began to order their food. Once done, they sat together at a table.

Kaminari held up his shake in a toast, he cleared his throat. "To the winner of the Sports Festival!"

"Cheers!" The more lively people in the group tapped their drinks with Kaminari's.

Izuku felt embarrassed at the moment but nice that they would cheered his accomplishments. "You all did well too. The showing you gave would have gotten you recognized." Izuku threw back the compliment.

"Thanks, boss. So, how did you come out with your stores?" Sero asked while everyone dug into their meals.

Izuku thought for a moment and focused inward. "Mostly good, I got a bit more thermal than before. Kinetic gained, light lost but that's no issue, electricity is low, and sound is way up."

"That is a great place for sound energy." Jirou nodded in agreement.

"Any ideas for electric energy?" Kaminari asked. "There's only so much I can give you daily that I won't need."

"Imma check the weather," Mina said with a smile.

The gang snorted and Tokoyami looked confused. Tooru looked at Jirou with a raised eyebrow. "I know Tokoyami didn't know but how do you?" She spoke to Jirou.

Her ears turned a bit red. "It's been an instinct to eavesdrop on a convention when someone shouts 'You did what?' I don't spread what anyone says unless it's illegal stuff but I've heard some great conversations. You all guys at the cafeteria did the same and I listened in, sorry." She sheepishly apologized.

"It's fine, it wasn't like a secret or something." Izuku waved it away.

"So what was it?" Dark Shadow asked with a fry between their hands.

"Our illustrious leader here didn't have enough electrical energy for the exam. So on one stormy night, he decided to stand under the lightning storm and get stuck by the lightning, multiple times." Mina pulled the news article from that day and showed it to Tokoyami.

"Incredible, when you decide to perform this again. I wish to be a witness." Tokoyami looked awe-struck and Dark Shadow nodded in agreement with his companion.

"Yes! We'll make it a group activity, sadly no lightning storms anytime soon." Mina deflated at the end.

"I'm thinking about visiting that Hatsume girl in the support course. Maybe she can make a stationary generator or even give me new energies to try." Izuku shrugged and bit into his burger.

They finished their food and headed to the park near the woods they trained at. Tooru linked arms with Izuku and they walked in a group talking about the festival. Even if some didn't get to place in the tournament, they all had some fun with it. They arrived at the park and found an empty spot to digest their food.

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