48: Last Match

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The last group to fight was Izuku's against Monoma's team with Shinso on their side. Throughout the exercise, Izuku had been working on a plan with the others. He told them what he knew of their opponent's quirks and capabilities.

"Kodai, Shoda, and Yanagi make a very good team on their own. With Yanagi shooting shrunk-down projectiles at us with double the impact with Shoda's help, it makes a powerful weapon." Izuku said between rounds.

Uraraka interjected. "How would Shoda's quirk work with yours?" She punched into her hand for emphasis.

Izuku hummed in thought. "Most likely, I would be able to absorb the secondary impact as easily as the first. But, it would be best to avoid experimentation during combat."

Mina nodded along. "So take out Yanagi first or what's the plan?" She side-eyed their opponents from across the waiting area.

"If we go that route, then Monoma would have to go at the same time since he would copy Yanagi's quirk," Uraraka pointed out and Mineta nodded in agreement.

Izuku tapped his lip in thought. "That's not to mention Shinso. Denki told me his quirk works by responding to him like I thought it did. To avoid getting trapped by him, we will only state things. No questions, only statements. If someone asks something, then we know where he is at. I'm sure he takes after Eraserhead's ambush tactics." He turned to eye the identical scarf that sat on both Aizawa's shoulders and Shinso's.

"Statements? You think that'll work?" Mina asked.

Izuku shrugged. "Probably." They gave him a flat look and he raised his hands to appease them. "It's not like I know how every quirk works, I can figure some things out but mental quirks have always been tricky!"

"Last match! Move to the starting positions!" Vlad King shouted.

The two teams made their way down to the area where they would be fighting. Izuku turned at hearing encouraging shouts from both their class and from 1B to their class. He smiled at seeing his gang of friends cheering for them. He even saw Tooru take off a glove and send him a kiss that no one but him saw. His chest warmed at the display.

Izuku examined the jail cell. "Are we allowed to escape the cells?"

"I think it's more of the idea of being captured than actually being contained," Uraraka smirked.

"Alright! So statements only and what's the plan?" Mina clapped her hands.

Izuku nodded and made a crude drawing by melting the concrete with his finger. He made three points signifying the trio most likely working together and then two dots away from the others. "Those three probably will stick together with Monoma and Shinso being the vanguard or more like scouts."

"You lept to scout back at the USJ," Uraraka stated.

Izuku nodded with a smile and backed away from the three before leaping with no gravity and a pulse of kinetic energy. Just as he thought, he could see three figures moving together with the other two nowhere to be seen. He could guess that the three saw him since a volley of projectiles was sent his way. Nuts, bolts, and other metal bits expanded to be bigger than he was tall. They all had a blueish glow, effects granted by Yanagi's quirk propelling them.

A wave of thermal energy washed over the wall of metal and it liquefied before him. A blast of kinetic energy sent the slag away from him and his team in a shower of sparks and molten metal. He thought it should be cool enough that it wouldn't kill anyone before it hit the earth. With his scouting done, he dropped like a rock near the others.

With a soundless landing, Izuku turned to his team. "The three are sticking together and the other two are unknown." The other three nodded and he continued. "We'll move together and I'll keep my senses spread to catch the two."

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