49: Winter Months

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Normally, being so late in the winter months people would wear thick jackets to ward off the cold but Izuku and his gang of friends just huddled around him for warmth that he radiated with his quirk. It started one weekend when Mina loudly complained she was bored and hungry which roped in Denki to follow her lead. Then they roped in Hanta, by then it was too late to change plans. The original gang of friends, with Uraraka and Tsuyu joining in, left the dorms and weathered the cold for some fast food.

With just under half the class, the group trudged to the nearest fast food joint. It didn't take long before Mina figured out their illustrious leader was radiating heat for both Tooru and Tsuyu. Tooru was hanging off his arm like usual and Tsuyu was close to his other side croaking contentedly. Mina wanted to be warm as well and not so subtly got as close as she could to his back. From there it evolved into everyone crowding Izuku as they walked.

Like a mob of meerkats, they shuffled along into the restaurant. They soon detached from one another when the warm interior hit them. Since it was so cold, the restaurant was mostly empty to their delight.

Izuku kept his smile on his face as everyone detached from the walking group hug. He felt very contented while being the center of the shuffle, while he knew it was for the warmth he radiated, it felt nice to be close to everyone he considered family.

"We're lucky the wind was light," Tooru said by his side. "Otherwise, that wouldn't have worked as well as it did." She giggled as she took off her scarf and pulled off the earmuffs on her.

Mina twirled around to face the gang and pointed at Izuku. "No! Luckily, we have our space heater to keep us warm." She said beaming.

Izuku raised an eyebrow and gave her a wry grin but didn't say anything as Hanta jumped to his defense. "That space heater is also your boss! Show some respect." He said while leaning on Izuku's shoulder with his elbow. The height difference was just perfect for him to casually loom over Izuku. He jolted away when Izuku zapped him with the equivalent of a static shock.

Kyouka shook her head at all of them and made to order her fast food. Uraraka and Tsuyu chuckled while joining Kyouka. Soon the rest of the gang joined them and argued about what to order.

"I want tons of fries." Mina contemplated while tapping her chin. "Can I order a tray of fries?" She asked.

"I'm not ordering fries then," Denki said. "Instead I'll take another order of nuggies." He nodded.

Mina turned to him, an offended look on her face. "Who said I was gonna share my French?"

Denki curled his lip at her in a frown. "Then you won't get any of my nugs." He said threatening and crossing his arms.

As those two argued about sharing food. The rest of the gang ordered peacefully and let the most childish ones of the group bicker. One by one, the group ordered and took their order numbers to wait. The two finished their dealing with a handshake and moved to order with their resolve firm.

The gang found a spot for everyone to sit together and wasted no time digging into their meals. As she said, Mina ordered a tray of fries and a milkshake. She also had a few chicken nuggets from Denki as he munched on the tray of fries, and their negotiations came to a resolution. Of course, their deal didn't account for the rest of the gang stealing the occasional fry. Most floated away in an invisible hand while Mina looked away.

They let out a sigh of contentment when they finished their food. They looked outside as they let their food digest to see a few snowflakes beginning to drift down from the sky. Tooru was under Izuku's arm as he continuously radiated some heat both for her comfort and Tsuyu who was seated on his other side.

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