38: Theories

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After his mandatory nap by Tooru, Izuku woke up late in the evening to an empty room. He looked around groggily to see his room was organized somewhat and some of his clothes were neatly folded where they were strewn about in his room. He blushed at the idea of Tooru going around in his room and cleaning up after himself. He stumbled out of bed and grabbed a bottle of water that was on his nightstand that wasn't there when he went to sleep. He was even more grateful for his loving girlfriend.

He stretched and then pulled out the notes he was working on and continued his research on Ms. Mavrik and when she 'evolved' her quirk just like Mirio did. His running theory is that somehow Mirio received a quirk and his only lead from there was All Might. It became almost impossible since the generation before Ms. Mavrik was more loose about keeping records but he was able to find one hero who matched what he was looking for. A regular hero with a simple enough quirk that 'evolved' and granted him enhanced speed and strength. And then he mysteriously died to an unknown villain, which to be fair was more common than he thought. The hero was only known as En.

From there, he lost any kind of trail from people 'evolving' their quirks and then dying to an unknown villain. Izuku sat back in his chair and rubbed his messy hair with a sigh. He looked at his notes and read them over to see if he could gain anything from them.

Mirio's quirk 'evolved' after All Might came to teach at UA under the guise of retirement. Yagi was previously quirkless and between his last year of middle school and UA, he got a quirk.

Izuku paused and truly thought about the last statement. All Might, Yagi Toshinori, told him to give up being a hero because he was supposedly quirkless and here he was getting a quirk gifted to him after knowing exactly what Izuku went through. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to continue on his path. He could come back to the hypocrisy of All Might later.

Ms. Mavrik had her quirk 'evolved' and before her, En's story was the same before they both died to an unknown villain. The correlation between all of them was the enhanced strength and speed that shouldn't have been there to begin with. Yagi played it off as his quirk but he was born quirkless. Then Mirio received this enhanced strength and speed from All Might after he came to UA. And he guessed that Sir Nighteye groomed him to become the second coming of The Symbol of Peace from their disturbing similarities.

Izuku stopped and thought about what he had learned and what he could do with the information. At the moment, nothing but now he knows that Mirio's other quirk was passed on like a relay racer and he could pass the quirk to another person. The more he thought about it, the more it was believable with the existence of the Quirk Boogyman from the dawn of quirks. If there was someone who could take and give quirks then why couldn't there be a quirk that has been passed around for who knows how long? There could even be a connection between the Boogyman and the quirk somehow. Maybe there could even be other quirks with the same ability to be passed along or transferred

His phone rang and he was thrown out of his thoughts. Looking at the caller ID, it showed Fat Gum. He answered it without any thought.

"Midoriya! How have you been? I've been hearing you've been checking up on the little one." Fat Gum's energetic voice came through the speaker.

"I'm good, and yes. I've visited Eri the day before and was thinking of going again soon. What did you call for?"

"What? A mentor can't check up on his student? No, I jest. I am calling to tell you that both Suneater's and your work studies will be postponed because of the intensity of the Shie Hassaikai raid. And not just yours but just about everyone's to make it fair as they told me. We weren't expecting the raid to be this bad and the possible outcome that could have resulted if something was just a bit off." Fat Gum explained.

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