[8] Like We Used To

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Dedicated to President2036, thank you so much for all your kind comments<3 :)

Picture of Clark on the side --->



Will he love you,

Like I loved you?

Will he tell you every day?

Will he make you feel like you're invincible,

With every word he'll say?

~Like We Used To- A Rocket to the Moon

     I looked for Kallie after the read-through, but she wasn't anywhere to be found. I wasn't even sure if she had been here at all today. I hadn't seen her except for the tweet, which really didn't count:

     I was looking around a long hallway of offices when I bumped into someone. It ended up being Clark. "Hey, have you seen Kallie?"

     He shot me a weird look, not unkind, mostly curious. "She didn't come in today, Raine," he told me.

     Dang. "Oh." Okay, I can try next time I see her or call her or something. "Thanks," I said to Clark, spinning around to leave.

     "Wait, Raine," he called. I turned slightly to look at him. "Kallie said you live with Belle, is that true?" Aww, he still calls her by his nickname for her. I was about to voice my thought, but then my mind registered his question, which distracted me. Clark wasn't really the kind of stalk someone, or at least he hadn't been, but even so... If he did, well, I doubt it'll have good results. Not to mention Bells is already seeing him sometimes during filming and if he does stop by or something, that would just add to it. Plus, there's Blake. "Please, be honest," Clark said, interrupting my thoughts.

     "Fine. Yeah, I still live with Bells," I admitted, watching him carefully for his reaction- which was nothing. He kept his face completely blank.

     "Okay, thanks, Raine," he said, his voice a bit monotone. "I'll see you Thursday or something for filming and stuff." He shot me a half smile, though it looked a bit more like a grimace.

     "Wait, Clark," I called as he turned to walk away. "Please don't do anything. You hurt her. A lot," I told him hesitantly.

     His face seemed to soften, growing sadder. "I know," he whispered.


     "Did he say casual or formal?" I yelled to Bells so she could hear me over the hair dryer. It was Friday, the day of Blake and Bells' date.

     "He said casual and warm. Any idea what he might do?" she replied, flipping over to dry another section of his hair.

     I shrugged even though she probably couldn't see me. "No idea. It's summer in New York." I shifted past the dresses and shorts in her closet. I had pretty much no idea what I was doing. Bells had approached me half an hour ago asking for help, I had said yes since she was my best friend and looked kind of nervous, but I was kind of regretting the decision now. I wasn't exactly the best when it came to fashion. My closet consisted of jeans, t-shirts, and the occasional dress. "It's probably outside..." I muttered to myself as I pulled out a couple of her jeans and brought them to the bed.

     "So what's he like?" Bells asked, unplugging the hair dryer. I shrugged and didn't reply. "You knew him best. Tell me anything," she insisted, coming up beside me.

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