What we know... nothing!

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Endeavor's POV:

I really couldn't believe what a book he was recommending us. It was one with dark secrets about the hero commission which not only had the turth written on it but also facts and proof that was solid recorded down. If anyone would have seen what was written in there, this little kid in front of me would have for sure been the next target of who knows how many people. 

Sure this would help my son with his theories since it would make him stop saying recless things but on the other hand it would also make my son the next target. This could have been a warning from the kid but I was not so sure about this.

Dabi : Dad?

Me: Hm?

Dabi: Oh now you are only reacting?

Me: Sorry.

Dabi: You've been holding this book soo hard ever after we left. What in the world is written in there?

Me: Something Shoto should never read.

Dabi: It can't be that bad.

Me: There are secrets about the hero commission which could bring them down. 

Dabi: ... You're joking.

Me: Unfortunately not.

Dabi: What the hell, give me!

Me: No. I will not let you get into danger.

Dabi: You really mean it....

Me: I do.

Dabi: How could he have this then?

Me: I don't know but remember that book I gave you?

Dabi: The one about stealth?

Me: Yes.

Dabi: It's a great book.... you got it from him huh?

Me: Yes. 

Dabi: I now see why you made me rush and call our lawyer in the middle of the night.

Me: Indeed. 

Dabi: Is he a villain tho?

Me: Does he look like one?

Dabi: No.. what about vigilante?

I gave my son a deadpant look since I knew he was doing the same thing Shoto would do and then he was complaining about his brother starting to pull out some theories out of thin air. This was certainly a bit awkward I knew that he knew what he was doing just by the look in his face but soon he sighed and turned around throwing his hands into the air before turning back around to face me. 

Both of us got home and it was even a free day for me as well as him but the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about the kid. Something was different about him. For now, I didn't know what it was but no normal kid should have these kind of books laying around and the way he acted was as if this was normal and nothing out of the ordinary at all.

Dabi: Fuck.

Me: What now?

Dabi: That idiot All Might! He might get into the shop.

Me:I have a feeling that the kid can handle that.

Dabi: How can you be so sure?

Me: You saw how every shop as well as building looked like except that one?

Dabi: Yes.

Me: You think it is a coincidence that the shop windows are not broken or that the inside looks normal and good as well?

Dabi: No way! You don't think..

Me: I do think Nezu has his hands in this.

Dabi: Damn that rat! I thought he only had his hands full with the hero commission.

Me: I highly doubt he is busy with them. 

Dabi: ....

Me: May I remind you that he was the principal of UA back in my times as well.

Dabi: How old is he?

Me: A well kept sectret which I don't even want to know.

Dabi: ... Fair enough.

Me: Keep this shop a secret from Shoto.

Dabi: As if I would have told him something about it after we got these!

Me: Good.

I knew that what I was doing may not be much but it was the least I could do. This kid needed some help and it was definitely weird how he could stay there without anyone bothering him. It was just as if someone had their hands in and was doing something behind the curtain. Nothing was certain but it would make a lot of sense. 

I could only pray that I was right with my hypothesis and that Nezu was indeed the man behind it. Otherwise this could quickly become one hell of a complicated mater. 

Then there was also the point that I wasn't so sure where the kid was standing. He may have helped me out of goodwill or even boredom. There is this chance that he may indeed be either a villain or a vigilante. For now I could only observe and for sure say that he appeared to be in friendly terms with heroes or he would have acted different the moment I brought my son there in his full costume. It was our day off so there was no need for us to wear our costumes at all.

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