Who would have thought this...

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Nezu's POV:

It was quite hard to find out which kid All Might meant and where I could find the boy. However nothing could be kept a secret around me. It was not the easiest thing to do but it was also not impossible at the same time as well. Of course I had my ways to find out who and where I could find anything. Needless to say that the same goes for people. 

Thanks to All Might I knew what the kid liked and since he was quite scared off him, I thought it would be a good idea to come there with a peace offering. After all I didn't know what the kid was capable off nor what he was doing at all. It was hard to get some information about the kid and all I knew as of now was that he was actually quirkless on paper and he was also living alone. It seemed as if he had bought a shop and somehow no one cared about the fact that a kid was actually running a shop on their own. 

It was quite concerning and yet no one cared about this at all.

 Very interesting.

It seems as if there is a kid somehwere that I have to meet.

Luckily I just know where I had to go.

This should be the place...

I was looking at the shop as I got to it. This area was certainly not one I wanted to be at. In fact it was definitelly one that was questionable as of how it was still standing. All the shops were demolished and robbed as well as spray painted. This shop, however, was different. It seemed as if someone was watching over it and making sure that the kid was alright. 

Now I also understood why All Might believed it was me. I certainly did had the powers to actually protect a shop and a being just like the boy. However there was also the fact that I didn't know what was going on or who was actually in charge of this. Who was protecting the boy if not me? Was it the hero commission? If that would be the case than the boy wouldn't be around here for sure. I was certain about this fact. Then the only logical solution was a being which was feared by heroes and villains at the same time. There was only one person who could be THAT person. 

It seems as if the person who should be dead is not quite dead...

I wonder why he is protecting the kid instead of putting the kid into villainy...

Soo many questions to be solved.

It seems there is only one way to find out!

Just like that I stopped looking at the book store and went inside. The bell was quite nice but hearing the childs voice was more surprising. He seemed as young as a UA student of the first year. The smile he had on his face was quite big as well. Somewhat it didn't seemed to be faked but at the same time it was definitely not a real and honest smile at well.

Child: Welcome to my little bookstore. How can I help you?

Me: Hello, there child. 

Child: Izuku. Please I insist.

Me: Very well. Call me Nezu.

The kid was definitelly polite but what came next surprised me a lot.

Child: What can I do for a chimera like yourself?

Me: Chimera?

Child: Yes. You seemed to be a mixture of bear, mouse and dog... I would even say that you are a one of a kind Mr. Nezu.

Me: You have quite a keen eye.

Child: Take it as you want.... May I suggest a book to you?

Me: What do you have in mind?

Child: You seem as if you have a lot of questions. In fact, you are not sure what to gain from here. Perhapse are you thinking that I am a villain or even a part of an organisation? I assure you this is not the case at all.


This child really is something else!

How did he know I was thinking that All for One or even the hero commission were backing him up.

I wonder if he knows more than just this.

Me: I indeed do. Perhaspe you have the answers for me.

Child: I can only try and help.

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