I am worthy...!

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Endeavor's POV:

The only reason I came over to the kid, was because I got a bit worried after I saw him the last time. He looked a bit skinny and he didn't really look quite that healthy in my eyes but he was smiling all the time which was a bit irritating. Today, he looked a lot better. Still I decided to get some food as in fruits, berries, vegetables as well as other stuff for the kitchen. I knew he had one but I also had a feeling that he was barely using it.

However I didn't quite think that he would give me more books to read and then even tell me to actually go ahead and remove the dirty and rotten roots of the hero commission this bluntly. I knew it was my job to look after injustice and bring down justice to everyone but then again, was I really ready for it.

I found it a bit troubling to actually  believe that. I was doubting my own abilities but talking to him made me think that I could do it. I had too many proof about what was happening behind the scene. From how they take children and mistreat them to children which get something injected so their power would grow better. Then there was a lot of bloodshed and collaboration between villains.

I knew that much from what he had already given me but this time it looked even more shocking. After I took the two books, I was bold enough to dare and open them in front of him to have a close look what was written inside. One was called Project Chimera meanwhile the other one was called Super Solder. No matter what, these two names were not a good sign at all.

What the hell...

This can't be real!

They intend to create the perfect soldier by killing ones mind and attach it to a higher mind?

How can they think about killing peoples mind and then sacrificing someone with a very strong mind controlling quirk for this?

This is lunacy !

I have to stop them before they do so!

The more I was looking through these books the paler I got. I could feel not only anger rising in myself but something else as well. It was dread that was forming in the pit of my stomach. I knew if they would continue with this project, they would one day remove the conscience from every hero and will controll them.

I had to stop that!

There was no doubt about that. 

This kid in front of me chose me to do this. Why he did that, was a totally other question but he wanted to change the world and perhapse I was the only one who could do that, which is why he chose me. Then again, the question reminded why not All Might or Hawks. Perhaps he knew more than what I did and saw me fit for this job. Since the kid in front of me entrusted me with such a great task, there was just no way out of it. Someone had to do it after all.

Me: Thank you.

Izuku: You're welcome. I hope this will help you with everything you will have to go through sooner or later.

How does he know about this?

This is more than anyone could ask for.

If this goes public... then...

I have to be careful what I will do with it!

If I breakt the hero commission down, then I will have to rebuild it as well...

Am I really the right man for this job?

Me: I will try to do my best.

Izuku: You don't have to try. You can do it. I know it. It might be hard to gain control over them but sometimes a strong hand is better than a lenient one. You have to know when to show mercy and when to be hard and punish them for what they did.

Me: I totally understand.

He said it himself!

I have to be hard and stop considering others!

No one is innocent there.

However this will need more than just me.

I will have to talk with my family.

They might help me.

I might even need to get that chicken involved to set him finally free.

Izuku: By the way, that hero that followed you the otherday... he is still stalking my shop every now and then. Can you do something about it?

All Might?!

Is he bothering the kid?

Do I have to remove him from here?

What an idiot!

Me: Just throw something at the man whenever he tries to enter. I'll take full responsibility over any damage you cause.

That was basically all I said before ruffling this kids soft hair and then telling him my goodbye before leaving the shop. I had more important stuff to do from now on.

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