Second step done... one step closer to the goal

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Nezu's POV:

I was reading through the new book that I got and in this version it was said to start bribing the politicians. Needless to say that I absolutely loved what was going on and how this kid was thinking. It appears to me that the kid was warning me with the sentance earlier but that might also just be my imagination. Who knows what he was thinking but if he could come up with these kinds of things, there was definitely no telling what the kid could do else.

Besides it that, it was definitely fun bribing all these people. For the past day, I was gathering as much evidence and dirt on each and everyone before I decided to actually give it a call and do a video session with all of them. Of course they did accept that online invitation because they didn't had any other way out. To top it off, they were even eager to make this meeting be an early one. I wanted to schedule it for next week but everyone insisted on it being today in the evening. As god so wants it, the day can pass very quickly especially when I was reading in this book more and more.

Me: Ah would you look at the time!

When I realized how late it was, I was already a bit too late for the meeting and in fact was the last one entering the video conference.

Me: Ah good evening fellow people.

Politician 1: How did you get your hands on that!

Politician 3: I want to know that too!

Politician 7: Who are you to actually threaten us!

Me: I am the one who is currently leading the hero commission. Of course if you all think there is no need for talking, I can commission an offical assignment to the heroes to arrest every single one of you. 

Politician: ....

Me: No one?

Politician 4: What do you want?

Me: What do you think I want?

Politician 6: Is it money? Is that what you want?

Me: Money... no. I do not like any material thing from any of you.

Politician 2: Then what?

Politician 1: Power?

Me: You might say that. I want complete controll over this country!

Politician 8: You can't do this!

Me: Can't? Didn't you see what happened to the hero commission heads? 

It was at that moment that they were all quiet. I knew about the commission for their heads. It was all my bidding as well. They did deserve it for actually going against me. Now it was their time to suffer but these fine people here were differently. For once I wanted to give them a choice if they wanted to continue living or join the others. Their crimes were quite high and without doubt, there were people who wanted them dead as well. However it would be easier to rule over a country from the dark. Of course I could show myself but that also meant for people to start judging me for being a chimera and that might lead to riots. This was what the book concluded and it was right. I could see that happening if I wouldn't be careful.

Politician 5: So you want us to do what you say?

Politician 7: Why should we do that?

Politician 8: He will kill us...

Me: Oh I won't but I am sure there is someone who would be happy about all these informations. Besides there is one benefit I can assure you. 

What was the best way to make them do what I wanted? It was not promising them a future, it was not about their safety either. These people were materialistic bastards all they wanted was money and so I was about to give them more.

Me: I promise you a nice salary.

Politician 3: A salary?

Politician 6: So we are getting paid for doing what you tell us and if we don't we will endanger ourselves...?

Me: Exactly.

Politician 1: I am in!

Politician 9: Same here.

One by one they started to give in. If they were profiting from this all a bit more then why not do it? It was a win win situation for them if they would accept and anyone could see that. For me it meant nothing since I would get my hands on dirty money and just give it to them. There was no need for anything else. Not as if there wouldn't be any dirty money. I was also sure they wouldn't see it coming if I would hack their account and just take some money from them to give it from them. They already have enough anyways.

Now that I had settled this, I couldn't help but smile and laugh the moment the call was over. These stupid people didn't know what was going on and what hit them. I would make sure that there was nothing they could do as well. 

Me: What a brilliant kid!

Now I have controll over whole Japan... let's see what I should do next...

Ohhh there is no page left to tell me what is next... just some hints and options...

Hmmm, I should visit the kid again soon to get the last one of this trilogy.

This was very helpful especially with all the dirt I got on these people. I wonder how the kid managed to get his hands on this much dirt. He might be even more frightening than me... Maybe I should be more careful around the kid from now on as well... he might know more about me than I do about him.

What a very interesting individual.

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