I am telling you!

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Endeavor's POV:

It was the same day that my son went to give the kid in the bookstore some food that he also came back out of breath completly sweating as if he had ran miles to just barge into my office. Frankly speaking it didn't make any sense for this child of mine to act this way at all. Of course I knew that asking him what was going on would either get me some flames as a respond or him cursing at me that I was not paying attention to how he was right now. Both were things I didn't quite liked but I also wanted to know the reason for him to act this way.

Me: Son, what did you do.

Dabi: ME?!

Me: Yes.


Me: You ran straight in here and just look at youself.

Dabi: I did nothing wrong!

Me: Then please explain this.

Dabi: I went over to the kids bookstore.

Wait a moment!

Could it be?!

Now that a terrible thought crossed my mind, I jumped up from my chair and knocked over the chair as well while leaning against my table looking at my son. The next question was something I didn't wanted to be answered because that meant I failed as a hero to protect someone who did soo much good.

Me: Did something happen to the child?

Dabi: Nooo!

A relieved sigh escapped me as I turned around to get the chair back up so I could sit in it.


Me: What could be worse?

Dabi: You were right with Nezu!

Me: Pardon?

Dabi: Nezu was in there! 

Me: And?

Dabi: Didn't you hear what I said?

Me: Why are you freaking out soo much? It was only logical for the rat to be the one who is protecting the store.

Dabi: But DAD! I think it's not Nezu!

Me: And why is that?

Dabi: He came over and had tea for the kid.

Me: That is a bit weird.

Dabi: Right! Also when I left, I meet All Might who was on his way there too!

Me: *sigh* It seems I have gotten the kid some trouble.

Dabi: But honestly Nezu was there and he seemed more than just polite to the kid. You sure Nezu is behind the kid?

Me: No. All I know is that someone was protecting the store until we came and is still protecting it.

Dabi: ....

Me: Do you need more than this?

Dabi: I... *sigh*

Me: Now calm down, there is nothing wrong with Nezu coming over there.

Dabi: I suppose so.... hey what you think he will do because of Nezu?

Me: I would say leave him be or you wanna deal with the rat?

Dabi: Nope. I had enough at UA.

Me: See.

Now I could rest back in my chair again and continue the paperwork I had started to do. I knew my son well enough that he feared Nezu. It was no joke to anger a chimera like that man but Dabi somehow managed it back when he was in UA which got him into trouble and which got me there to deal with everything. He got still punished and as of now he is still scared of Nezu. I could only say that I was considering myself lucky that Shoto is not doing some bullshit there as well.

Dabi: What about All Might?

Me: If the kid wanted some help, he would have called us.

Dabi: True but what id he is just shy.

Me: What on him made you think that he was shy? Did you see what dangerous books he gave us!

Dabi: Hehe... true.... 

Me: Now stop with this nonsense and leave the kid alone.

Dabi: Are you not worried?

Me: I am but I am more conserned about what he could do if he decided to act on his own.

Dabi: .... wow... that's something I haven't thought about until now.

Me: Maybe you should. For now we only got information but no action from the kid. I believe he could be truly terrifying if he would get angered and forced to act.

Dabi: Ahm... yeah... ama leave the kid alone from now on.

Me: Good.

Just like that I could return back to the paperwork I had in front of me. There was this feeling in my gut that something was slowly changing around here but I didn't know what it was and it was not that threatening for now which made me ignore that feeling and continue working. This agency and all the heroes and sidekicks were not working on their own without a leader after all.

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