The Supporter!

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This is giving me the hibbies!

What is the man doing there?!

The heck?

Wait a minute!

Is he actually getting closer?

Should I call the police?


He is a hero from what Enji said.

So I probably shouldn't call the cops....


This is really too much!

As I was actually looking out of the window to see this man still hiding behind something... Well this time it was a lamp post, I decided to leave it be and go to the back of the shop to clean up a bit.

Of course this was needed especially since Enji told me I would get electricity and water. It was dusty but it was not that dirty. I of course was cleaning up as much as I could but right now I wanted to rearange some books somewhere else and bring them to the front as well. 

Before I could even start rearanging, I heard the bell on my front door and immediately got to the front thinking it would be that creep. However I was pretty wrong.

Me: Welcome back Mr. Hisashi.

Hisashi: How many times did I tell you to drop the Mr.?

Me: A lot of times but I can't help it. I hope you understand.

This man right in front of me didn't had any eyes but he still could read books. He was the only customer I had ever after I came here. This man introduced himself as Hisashi without any other name and he even told me to be comfortable around him. I remember the first day he came in here and there was no reading areas. Of course he asked for books and I was giving him some but he would usually always just stay put and read the whole book and then buy it. This man was quite old from what I could see and he had soo many injuries that he either must be a retired hero or retired villain. Whatever it was, I didn't wanted to pray into it since he was being nice to me and supporting my little bookshop.

Hisashi: What is that book in your hand?

Me: This one?

Hisashi: Yes.

Me: It's a old fairy tale. 

Hisashi: Can I see it?

Oh he likes this kind of stuff as well?


Maybe he has some kids at home and needs to entertain them?!

Maybe he even has a son...

Who knows... but from what I know the kids he had were all trouble makes. 

I wonder how they are doing?

This man once told me about some of his problems which were all around kids. From what I knew it was one which was a gaming addict and a girl which had some kind of red paint fetisch because she had to paint no matter where. There was also this other guy which he told me had somewhat a nasty habbit of burning things up but he was only breathing fires so Hisashi would refer to that one as the little firelizard with a pet lizard and a magician. Dunno what he meant by that but I was thinking about a pet and some games. Maybe I was wrong but it was better than more people since this guy looked soo tired already.

Me: Sure. Do you want me to make some tea as well?

Hisashi: I would appreciate it.

Me: One tea coming right up.

Haven't seen him here for quite a while...

I wonder how his job is doing?

He told me something about some problems last time I saw him.

I should probably ask.

After I gave him the book, I went ahead and quickly made some tea before joining him for a little chat. 

Hisashi: I saw a hero near your shop. All Might the number one hero to be precise.

The moment he said number one, I spit out the tea I wanted to drink and ended up caughing soo badly.



That idiot?!

That one who tried to hide behind a trea?!


Then who was the guy I met, Enji?

Do I really wanna know tho?

I am scared to ask.

Hisashi: Are you alright?

Me: Yeah, I was just surprised.

Hisashi: That is alright.

Me: I don't know what he was doing here. Tho he was coming up really creepily.

Hisashi: Don't worry, no one dares to hurt your shop.

Me: Because of your hahahahahaha

Hisashi: You've helped me a lot.

Me: It's not me but the books. Besides I am always happy to have a customer as yourself enjoying any books I suggest.

Hisashi: They are special.

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