Stalker alert!

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It was shortly after Endeavor left that I could see that Stalker again and I knew he was a hero by what Mister Todoroki said. However it was really getting on my nerves these days. Each and every day, I could see this hero in front of me and he was alwys looking inside the shop. Sometimes he was even standing right in front of the shop window looking at me for an hour if not more. It was really bothering me and I started to have enough of this bullshit. 

There he is again!

Did he follow Mister Todoroki here?

I don't know what to think about this man anymore... is he doing this on purpose?

Maybe I should ask if I could help him out...

Though he does look as if he came straight of a mental hospital.... Maybe he had some kind of problem. Do I really wanna know that one though? As insane as he acts, I would be better of with villains! That's for sure. 

I wonder if he is acting this weird because he is suspecting me. I mean I do get quite some preculiar customers these days like that one guy with the scarf... how was he called again... ah who cares! He was a nice man. I am glad he bought a lot since it is helping me out...

Then there is Mr. Hisashi. He brought me a lot of snacks and I think Mr. Todoroki also brought me some more food. Well I'll be living good for a while. At least I don't need to leave my shop alone at all... I somehow think he is waiting for me to leave... ah this is driving me nuts!

After a couple of minutes more, I had enough of this man. He was now sticking to the window of my shop and I just couldn't ignore him anymore at all. So I decided to go out of my shop and talk to the man. When I opened the door, he was still standing there and didn't moved at all. Alright, not gonna lie, this was just a bit creepy.

Me: Sir? 


Me: SIR!

???: Ah sorry. I was looking for my friend.

Me: Do you mean Mr. Todoroki?

???: Yes. He comes around here a lot and I wanted to know more.

Me: Not that often... do you want to come insde?

I must be crazy for asking someone like him to get into my shop...


This is how I will die.

This hero is nuts!

And why did he say his friend is around here a lot...

He doesn't come by often...

Maybe this is on his patrolling route....

Anyways as confused as I was, I offered the hero to come in and led him into my little quiet space. It was filled with soo many books and if this hero was looking for his friends that probably meant he had a problem around. I tried to think what Mr. Todoroki told me about this hero but I couldn't recall it all. It wouldn't be that important anyways. I knew he had problems and I could for sure talk around the bush and hit a nerve to make this hero talk. Maybe this was all he needed and I was certainly not saying no to a new customer.

Me: May I offer some tea?

Hero: Sure... thank you...

Me: No problems.... ah are you interesting in any kind of books? I might lend you something to read till the tea is ready.

Hero: Anything would be fine.

Me: Alright.

Anything huh...

Well since you were stalking me this much, I should hand over that one book about stalkers and killers and how that one stalker went from normal to killer and murdered a family. This should make you think about what you just did to me.

I went to the crime series books and took one book out before I went to the hero and gave it to him. It was definitely a good book which would give him an example how someone feels if people do what he did. The whole content of the book was written in the victims point of view till the kill happens. That's when it switches over to the killers. Well it was a good book nonetheless. 

After I left the hero with a book, I went to get some tea from the back iof ym store and then started to quickly prepare it as well. I was thirsty and I needed some anyways. However I also decided to get some snacks out since my stomach was starting to grumble on me. I didn't really felt hungry so a snack should be fine for now. Of course I would make sure I would make a bit more later but that was all to get my stomach to quiet down.

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