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Nezu: How very interesting this is.

This new costumer was actually reading the book right in front of me and I don't know why I felt this tense but I kinda did. Somehow this felt like a nightmare and he was scaring me a bit... maybe a lot. All I wanted was for him to get out and leave me alone but he was still here! This was literally one of my worst nightmares having a cursed doll wandering around. Maybe he was nice but after that demonic laugh, I was not so sure about that anymore.

What's wrong with that guy...

I just gave him a book... 

Why did he had to laugh like this...

Why do I have that feeling right now?

Boah... I feel as if I did something wrong or as if something is about to happen...

Damn this is not good.

Me: Are you satisfied with the book?

Nezu: I am. 

I think I should warn him about experiments....

Not that the chimera will create another chimera. One is frightening enough....

But he kinda must be feeling lonely.

NO! Don't even think about it! If he creates more of himself, just imagine... ufff... no thanks!

Me: As you know this is one of the classicers and many would have wanted to try it out. This is also a warning as well to all who want it.

Nezu: I understand.

The chimera seemed very pleased and hed also didn't look like as if he would budge away at all as he was sitting there reading the book in silence. All I could do for now was either to accept this being in front of me or kick him out. Since I couldn't really do the later, I decided to accept him and instead continue to sort my books in. I had quite some things to do after all.

Nezu: Do you have another book just like this?

It was not even 15 minutes ago that I gave him that book and he was already asking for more. Was he indeed eating the books content like crazy or what was he doing? This was no normal readong speed for sure but who cared about that at all. 

Me: Sure could you give me a minute please?

The heck... what am I supposed to give him now?

OH! I know... a bible!

He is a bit too demonic for me... better be safe than sorry.

Maybe he is also a lunatic!

Who knows!

I quickly got to the back and pulled out the best and thickest bible I could find before going back to my customer. He seemed very eager to know what the book was about and so I handed it over to him.

Me: This should be helping you out to keep yourself from being consumed by your ambitions.

Nezu: Oh... could you read me a line?

Me: Sure..

As he asked, I skipped through the book to a verse which I knew in and out and started to read it out loud.

Me: But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed.

Nezu looked at me before I handed it back over to him completly closed. He seemed to have fun with the book as he started to read it once again but he also closed the book after 5 minutes and called me over once again.

Nezu: Izuku, could you come over please.

Me: How can I help?

Nezu: I left you some money and the tea on the table. Unfortunately I have to go right now but I will be coming again. If you have any more of these books than please put them aside.

I wanted to tell him to stop walking out when I saw the money on the table. It was way too much but the rat was already gone.

Me: Creepy....

At this moment I also noticed that it was getting dark outside and that I should close my little shop. Besides that I was also feeling my stomach grumble it was still not loud but it was starting to grumble. While I went to the door to lock it, I saw Hawks and Endeavor including Dabi walking over to me and so I opened the door instead and greeted them.

Hawks: We are just passing but here feathers! Take this for the evening.

Me: Thanks.

Hawks send something with a feather over as they passed my shop. Now I found it a bit weird that they were walking down this road but I couldn't really bother since it was their job probably which got them to come overe here. That or they wanted to bring me over food which I was also not about to decline at all. After I got my food, I locked the door and called it a day while going to the back and start eating some of the chicken wings and fries while reading a book. 

What a crazy day....

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