Hero Commission Darkest Secrets!

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Endeavor's POV:

I was thinking for a while every now and then after I got the book about all the secrets. They could be called theories but in fact they were the truth. The only problem was how I would handle them. I knew that with things were going on, sooner or later there would be a reason for me to sue this information.

Me: I still can't believe he had something like that.

The book was following me wherever I was going exept if I was out on a mission. Even then it was kept secretly and with soo much protection that not only the world best thief nore Nezu could open the safe up. It was just dangerous for anyone to have this.

However right now, I was looking through it to see what he had in store. Never did I read it completly but there were soo many things that even dated back to the time the hero commision was even founded. The amount of secrets inside was astonishing and it was ridiculous at the same time. How did he even get his hands on this?! How did he manage to get this alive and with no one knowing it?! 

I was questioning the kid.

Something about him was just making me want to investigate the kid but I knew that it was not my place to do it. He helped me out and it felt as if I would betray him by doing so.

I wish I wouldn't need to read this...

But my goddamn son!

How many times did I tell him not to get afiliated with the hero commission as well as one of them.... not to mention not to date someone from them!

This is troublesome!

If it only wouldn't be the number 3 as well.

They will not let go of him soo easily.

Touya... why did it had to be Keigo?

Out of all people him?!

Couldn't you just date and fall in love with a girl?

Was this way too simple?

I don't blame you tho.

Love is not rational and if you are happy I will do anything to make sure you two can be together!

I hope you know that I only mean it well!

I continued to read over all the pages till I stopped and anger overcame me. There was a whole chapter dedicated to children and their abuse and the worste was that I found the name "Keigo Takami" written in there. Everything was noted down. Everything the winged hero had to endure to become the youngest licensed hero. I couldn't believe it and the more I was reading the more I could feel the flame around me getting hotter and more and more out of controll.

That was until I couldn't help it anymore and grabbed the next thing on my desk being my mug and threw it against the wall. Yes... I knew this was childish and I knew this wouldn't make anything right but it was at least helping me regain my composure as well as the controll over my quirk.


I was ready to stand up and go burn down whatever was there from the hero commission. There was no excuse on what they did and this was no exception. Then there was also the fact that I once wanted to give Touya the chance of becoming better and nearly entered him into one of their crazy programs. Back then it was a feeling in my gut that stopped me and I was right to not do it. Never would I have imagined that they would go to such a length to break childrens and most of them don't even survive the training.

I will get rid of them!

I will burn them to the ground!


Is this the reason he gave me the book?

Was this not for Shoto but for myself and Touya?

If so then I will do as he asked!

This can't go on anymore!

Innocent parents will lose their kids for what?

This is stupid!

Does Nezu know?

I will make them pay for this!

Keigo is now part of the family!

I will make sure he is free!

Me: This! THIS!

The more I was thinking about it the more, I had to put the book away for my own safety and exited the room to the training hall. I need to get rid of some anger before I would blow up some steam on the wrong person.

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