Chapter 1

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Seven years ago

The road ahead is long and dark. All I can see through the windscreen is pure darkness, and I hear the rain falling heavy on the car. There are no other cars around, just our car and our car's headlights showing ahead the emptiness of the road.

I do not know where we are heading.

Inside the car, it is warm but frosty because of my mum, who hasn't said a word to me since she tried to explain what happened earlier. The radio is on, but I can't hear it, nor do I want to. I have one bag, and that's it. Stuff that I call my own, which is hard to believe.

I notice my mum giving me side glances to make sure I'm okay, but she says nothing. She never wanted me, so why is she caring now?

The events leading to this came from what happened earlier today. It shook me to my core and left me with more questions.

I have never had much of a relationship with my mother, but I did with my father until today. The look of disgust and hatred loomed over him as soon as he saw me. Nothing could hurt more than anything than your own father shouting at you. "You should be dead."

I close my eyes to remember what happened. Things seem blurrier. There are no such things in the world; surely there are no witches. But my mum just shouted at me that...

You're a witch!

I close my eyes, and with tears rolling down my cheeks. How can I be a witch?

I must have dropped off as the nightmare unfolds earlier.

I seem to be back on my bed. They are at each other's throats again. I'm listening to my parents argue, and guess what they are arguing about?

Yet again, my dad tried to reason with my mum. But she is not having any of it. She made it clear she never wanted me. My dad calls me his little princess.

Today is my 10th birthday, I woke up early. I ran downstairs and found my dad sitting at the breakfast counter, with a full-cooked breakfast waiting for me. I had the biggest smile on my face. I was a girl who didn't have many friends, but my dad always made sure I had everything I ever wanted. All I wanted this year was a mobile phone.

Next to the breakfast was a small box. I wanted to open it, but my dad told me to eat my breakfast first. I was on cloud nine.

There was no plan for today, but I knew I was going to be celebrating my birthday with my father. We thought about going for ice cream and bowling. But it was never meant to be. My mum came home from work from her night shift. She didn't look at me, not even to say Happy Birthday. She looked at the banners that my father put around the house.

"Take them down now," she screamed at my father. My mum looked furious and screams at me to go to my room. I run off, crying. Knowing my birthday was no more.

So here I was sitting on my bed, crying, not knowing what to do. Why does she hate me so much?

I hear shouting and screaming, things being thrown around. I instantly think it's my mum. She has definitely lost the plot. I leave my room and to sit at the top of the stairs, wiping my tears away as I walk.

But as I get to the stairs, I have this feeling; there is some kind of burning in my body.

I feel like I am on fire, but it's not hurting. I don't know if it is rage, but something is coming to the surface. I run downstairs to tell my parents, even if it means for them to stop arguing, but nothing comes out as I come to a halt.

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